Saturday, October 1, 2011

09.24-10.01 - First spot in English

As I promised on last Saturday I am going to write my blog in English:)
There will be some mistakes, but the goal is to practice the writing in english! Anyway, you know my promise, because during the last week the volume of the visitors on the blog was decreased to a marginal level, but today the number of the visitors was 32, so you are waiting for a new track:D Which is pretty cool!
I went to the gym with Ildi at the first time on Saturday. There were some OK girls, they were spinning on the bikes. I tried a roombike for 65 minutes and chose the interval (or something like that) level. I hit the level 16 sometimes, the level 8 was above the average:) I did it without my water-bottle, because I thought I don't need that, I am tough. Of course I was, after 30 minutes I felt that I was going to faint:D I did not know where I was! Finally Ildi saved me and brought my bottle, because I asked her. So, I surprised this first challenge in the gym. During the last minute I rode with 30 mph, which is pretty fast after taking 24 miles. Then I tried some pushing exercises, sit ups and other kind of dumbbells. I counted and burnt 850 calories! I was really satisfied with my performance. (I felt the result of the gym for the upcoming five days, stuck in every muscle:D) I have to describe the shape of the american guys in the gym, they make exercises just for their upper body, they are usually shorter than me but wider, they have bumped biceps and shoulders but their legs are so thin:D You can image them as a little "bear- cheese" (mackósajt) or a little upside down triangle. It is funny to see them.
On Monday I had my first 6 hours long interview at the Travelers, that is a Fortune 500 company, 6000 people work in one big building-complex in its headquarter. It is located in Hartford that is 40 minutes from Hamden by car. Dan (a cool guy who learnt at Quinnipiac four years ago since then works at Travelers as an actuary with English mayor background) took us to the Travelers with Ildi. We had separately 5 interviews with five persons (three of them were executives) during the next 6 hours from 9:30 Even during the lunch I was interviewed. At the end I was totally exhausted, but happy because I have done this long torture:D They were curious about my background, my motivation, how to work with people, how to handle the conflicts, weaknesses and strengths, how familiar I am with the Excel, PowerPoint, etc. I had to build a car insurance model, explain what I would tell the investors on the annual meeting, etc. The executive of the Research and Development group asked me about the Excel in the most professional way. OK, Bence, here is a paper and a pen, would you please write the XYZ function in Excel in a syntactical way. Well, :D no:D If you give me a laptop, I'll be able to do everything, but on a paper I won't. To brief this experience into one word, it was so challenging.
We are waiting for the decision, but I am aware that this would not be the best Bence-style job:D If so, I would work there for a half year gladly!
The second trade visit meeting happened on Wednesday. I enjoyed that, met with new peers and I got some new tasks. (And of course, there were some dunkin donuts:D I ate three!) I learn a lot from these meetings, how to lead a meeting in american-style, how to inspire and involve people to the problem solving process, which is cool!
I have really good american team-mates on the case study class. One of them was a wall street broker for 10 years, and know he is seeking for new challenges. He is a really good guy! I am glad to changed my previous group.
We have to learn a lot in every class, to write new and new essays, to read many-many pages from day to day. The MarketingDay (in the following text it refers as MD) was not so good:) and I said this politely . I counted back the minutes. But I survived, and the weekend was coming on Thursday. Yesterday was so shiny and warm day, so I went out for fishing. During 4 hours I didn't catch anything! Nothing!! But I enjoyed the nature so much!
Today is about cooking and preparing for the next week and of course, that is the skype day (SD).
I am waiting for the next weekend because we are going to the Nigara Falls! Yepp!!!
Next track will be coming with nice pixs! Hopefully! Wish good weather for us! Take care at home! To be continued! (Write comments!)

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