Sunday, October 16, 2011

10.10 - 10.16 - Farm, BBQ

It was another great week! I got some feedback from certain persons about my grammatical mistakes. Thank you! But give me more!
Let's start with the weekdays. I had some really good classes. On Wednesday I made a presentation about my favorite city. What do you think my favorite city is? Budapest. It was easier to talk about this than about Tarcal. I told the others that I want to be the last one! There was not enough time to present my ppt on that class, so I am going to do this on the next time.
I had an internship interview at Photronics. Nobody thought that it is a job interview. There were Chris, Evi, Ildi and me and the CFO, the Head of HR and the Head of the Legal Department, CFO decided to make everybody a short 20 minutes interview with every of us. I liked those interviews! The management was so friendly. If you want to understand what they are doing, please visit these sites: and Back to the interview, we will see!
Thursday I took my first american-english presentation on the marketing class! We talked about the target market and product mix of Target corporation ( That is the second largest retailer behind Wallmart. My groupmate is an HR manager there. I lost my english presentation virginity here:)
Friday Evi invited Dan to a hungarian dinner. Me and Ildi bougth the ingredients and started to cook the Hortobagyi Palacsinta. Dan and Evi came to the dinner and we spent some pleasant hours together with the delicious Hortobagyi.
And Saturday!! One of my american classmate invited me and a Chinese girl to his farm in CT. Yesterday was incredible!! I tried to drive a 700 cubic centimeter quad, drive a GMC truck, shoot with M-16 and shotgun and make BBQ.

Here are some photos and movies:

(First time driving a truck)

(First time on a quad)

(First american BBQ - hmm)

(just illustration)

(just illustration)


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