Monday, October 10, 2011

10.02-10.09 - Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Ithaka

To talk about this week is so difficult. So many things happened with me.
Where should I start it? On the last weekend two dear girls from the MCC visited our two dear HABL girls, so called Cili and Szilvi! Of course, we had to go to party! After writi
ng the last blog track, I went to the local liquor store, which is the official place of the alcohol beverages. I bought two bottles of wine. The vodka is cheaper than at home, the beer is the same price, but the wine is a bit expensive. You can buy here 1,5 liter Vodka, which is absolutely normal size:)
So we started to drink at Szasza's place. Then 9:20 pm, we left Whitney Village. Our transporter was Michael, who is second generation Italian immigrant and our classmate. He has an Infinity, a white sport luxury car. Not shit!
OK, we partied there until 12pm and we started to come back home. The BAR (our place) was ok, but nothing fancy and so cool, just like the places on the Nagymező Street. The mood was excellent, it was a very great time in New Haven with the Hungarian girls!
During the weekdays, nothing special happened, I learnt a lot, wrote 3 case studies.
But I waited Friday so much, because we went a big trip with Andras!

Just a few numbers:
3 days
2080 km
145 liter fuel (benzin)
26 spent hours in the car
Places what we've seen in order: Saratoga (NY) -Buffalo (NY) -Niagara (Canada)-Toronto (CA) -Buffalo (NY) -Finger Lakes (NY) -Ithaca(NY) (Cornel University) -Watkins Glen (NY)
Hungarians who we've met: Balázs, Viktor, Tamás, Máté and Noémi (and Lajos
bácsi, 82 years old, Hungarian '56 emigrant)
The weather was amazing, no clouds on the sky at all! The biggest attraction
was the Niagara Falls (nájagara fólsz). But we ate at DUFF's Diner, that makes the best and most famous buffalo chicken wings, President Obama ate there too! I terminated 10 wings and there were really delicious!
In the US, if you want to see a famous battle field, you have to travel by car
on the built road across the field! Interesting:D That was what we did at Saratoga. You may learn about this famous battle, at that place was the turn point of the revolution war.
Nigara is Niagara! Canada is a cool country, much calmer than the States! I liked Toronto, huge but livable city, with skyscrapers and harbor like at Tihany. I like the Canadian flag, and countryside too.
The two State Park were also breathtaking! With many falls and canyons. Cool! The landscape was unimaginable with many-many different colors on the hillsides.
We also visited one of the Ivy League University, the Cornel University in Ithaca. I have never ever seen a university like this! Huge, wonderful, big, cool, old, great, clever, famous, and many other good indicative that I could say!
Our new Hungarian friend were so pleasant company. They are so modest,
clever, informed and motivated persons. It was a great time spent together!
This trip, weekend was a great and unforgettable experience!

Some pictures:

At(On) Saratoga Monument:)

Nigara Falls - Maid of the Mist
Toronto with the CN Tower - Canada
After a truck went through on Tamás's sunglass (Viktor on the photo)

Finger Lakes area - Rascally:)


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