Friday, August 9, 2013

07.16 - 07.22 - Weston II

It's been a while ago when I updated my blog. Flora went home on Tuesday and now i try to catch up with my blog, my work, my studies and everything else. I miss her a lot, cannot tell how much. We've had a great time together on 70 square feet:)

As far as I remember I spent the weekend with Jeffrey and Alley on the farm and at their house. I was working at UI as usual, I still didn't have my car fixed so I just hopped on a train and get off in Weston on Friday. Jeffrey and Alley picked me up and we went directly to the final touch place where I got my suits and shirts perfectly tailored. I was so happy!
Then we stopped by at the Chinese massage place where Jeffrey and I got a full body massage. This was my first such experience ever and I really liked it. I was not sure what is going to happen and how. A lady came into the room and told me to lay down on the massage bed. First she started with my neck and shoulders. She had the most brutal fingers in the world. "How would you like? Gentle or strong?" - I had no idea what are the levels, Jeffrey told me to get it hard, it is very cool. So I said strong. She literally squeezed all of my muscle tones and smashed into little pieces. I was able to count the muscle pieces as she worked through them. Wow, that was very painful sometimes. I was almost about to say stop, but then wait a second she must know what she is doing, so I just let her do however she wanted to massage my body. After an hour finishing my face and feet I felt like flying above the massage bed. Very relaxing feeling, absolutely no weight on you.
It was worth every minute. I did not want to stand up and leave immediately so I was listening to the traditional Chinese meditation music for a while and then i just walked out and felt soo relaxed.

On Saturday morning we went for a short walk (1 hour:) and then had breakfast. We were going to pick up my car at Todd. He gave me a call on Saturday morning and told me that my car is running just like new. We just arrived before he went home. My car was absolutely in a perfect condition, runs very smooth and has full of power!! After paying my bill which was very-very fair price I was following Jeffrey on the highway.

On the farm we had a great time, nice food, good weather, cruising and tubing on the lake, etc. I cleaned out Jeffrey's pond and made a plan how to turn it into a very nice pond.
cleaning the pond

the plan

on Saturday night we went to the casino and had a nice dinner


hush puppies - was really good

BBQ nachos

Alley-made burger with salad

for Flora just a bit of my culinary expertise and passion:)

Additional news: I got my qcard fixed finally. We did not gamble. We had Krispy Cream donuts. 

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