Monday, July 15, 2013

07.08 - 07.15 - Weston

 I just got back after spending two wonderful weeks in Hungary. My flight was more than 22+ hours as usual; with red eyes I hopped on a train at Grand Central and hopped off in New Haven after midnight where Marti was waiting for me. She was so kind and offered me a ride. I packed out the most necessary things and wrote couple emails. I was way over couple deadlocks and was hard to fall asleep. Eventually around 2 AM I fainted to sleep. On Tuesday (4 hours later) I got up and went to work with a terrible jetlag:)
I picked up the line at UI so quickly and continued working on my project.

I got together with Alley and Jeffrey on Thursday and on the weekend as well. We went for hiking, shopping, eating.:) We were having a good time! Here I am in couple expensive suits at my age of 24.

Getting pimped:)

Good to see you, America!

Oh, I almost forgot. We have seen the Pacific Rim movie a night before world premier!

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