Friday, August 9, 2013

07.23 - 07.28 - Pottery, Rocky Neck wasps

- went to a raku firing with Charles - 30th
- bbq at Chris - saturday
- went to Rocky Neck State Park - sunday
- emergency department
- 16 wasp stings + 2 for me
I got the invitation from my boss, Charles to go to his final pottery class where they do the famous raku firing:
He is Charles, my best boss ever!

This is how you build your firing pit, you make a nice bottom from bricks, then you stand up other bricks and cover them with a big stone plate, basically you make a tower from couple layers and so you cover it with a metal barrel. From the bottom to the top you fire up with a propane burner until the bricks turn to red and yellow, everything glows. The temperature is somewhere between 1500 and 1850 Fahrenheit. So it is pretty hot.

You put the dried pottery into different glazes, then drop everything into a low temperature oven just to decrease the temperature shock in the raku pit. Sometimes they still blow up because of the huge temperature difference so it happened to my lovely glazed pottery that was made to Flora.

In the meantime Charles was teaching others on the wheel.

glowing pottery - absolutely amazing in the dark

this is the result - after the glowing phase you drop the potteries into dry leaves in a metal can and so as it fires up the leaves the lack of oxygen and the coal oxidizes the glaze and it creates this beautiful surface and color.

On Saturday we went to Chris's house to have a nice BBQ party. You can see the main chef Prof. Christopher Ball with yummy polish sausages. 

Ildiko and Bence on the porch

Marti and Juli

Ildiko, Barna and Kati

a great plate of juicy, unhealthy, fatty food

Mate (Szabi in the back) and Bence playing on the nexus
Eva, Andris, Ildiko, Kati, Marti, Szabi, Barna, Juli, Mate, Chris and Emese were there. Plus me.

On Sunday I and Marti decided to visit the Rocky Neck State Park. Everything was great, ok weather, ok water, nice cliffs and beautiful surroundings. 

We also climbed up on a very steep cliff.
And all of a sudden on our way back to the car a very serious accident happened. There were trails that went towards the parking lot but actually never reached it, so we had to cut through between the trees. I went in the front and Marti was following me in 30 feet. 15 feet away from the parking lot I felt a huge tweak on my calf. It was so painful I had to run to the parking lot and check it out. I supposed it was a snake in the leaves. While I was checking my leg, two-three seconds later I heard Marti screaming and running and asking for help. Holy shit! What did just happen. She did not want to stop and was about to panic. I said ok, ok, what happened, what is wrong? 
She said, she got so many stings on her legs, arms, back and even on her forehead. We knew that those were wasps. I knew that i was a bit allergic to bees but was not sure about wasps. She never had any stings so she did not know. We were in rush to get to the car, it was over a twenty minute walk. Marti looked ok, even though her face was red, but we thought it is because of the adrenalin. After 7-8 minutes she said she is till okay. Then suddenly she felt weak and had to stop and sit down. I saw a couple of campaigners so I run towards them and asked for help. I found three adults playing something stupid game in a big tent and two kids playing outside. I said I need help and call the ambulance because my friend got over ten wasp stings and is having heavy breathing and serious allergic reaction. 
After like two minutes we run back to Marti and she looked really bad. She had fewer, her face and body swelled and she was barely able to speak or breath. I have never seen anybody like that. One of the adult was a nurse, but she blocked, one man had a phone and called 911. The third lady was continuously shouting: "she is passing out". The situation was really serious. Marti almost fainted but did not, i was holding her in my arms and helped her to stay up. 10 minutes later the ambulance car arrived and I felt much better. 
But the upcoming 15 minutes were terrible still. This was the worst ambulance team ever. Wasted a lot of time doing nothing. I told them, look guys, help her, give something to her. COMEON!

Then they put her into the car and took her to the New London emergency hospital. 

I followed them and 20+ minutes later found the hospital and Marti.

I just walked into the EC unit, nobody asked who i am and why i am there. They had no idea where Marti was. So the care was just terrible, this is not what I would expect in top hospital, especially not in an emergency care unit.

This is how her room looked like.

The other corner of the room. After one additional hour a nurse came and gave something to her and it brought her back to normal in 90 minutes. We only saw a doctor when they released her. Marti was alright, she got epipen and other life saving pills. Next time she will have 5 minutes or that was it. So she has to carry the emergency pill all the time with her.

I am glad that everything worked out well!

Finally we went home around 1 am in the morning. 

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