Tuesday, May 29, 2012

05.21 - 05.27 - Shenandoah NP, Farm, Memorial Day

my last week started basically on wednesday
wednesday: went to work, then went out for our regular wednesday dinner to Senor Panchos (http://www.senorpanchos.com/)
then went to Eli's for couple beers with our friends, it was great!

i do not know what i did on that day:)

four days of craziness started. after work we left Whitney Village and headed south to Virginia. we departured at 7pm and arrived at 3:45am (i drove, i was freaking tired, it was so good to go to bed)

we got up at 7:45 and had breakfast and left the motel before 9am, we were driving through the Shenandoah National Park
imagine a 105 mile length road on the ridge, beautiful view, scenery points were everywhere, could not decide where to stop and what to see - so we stopped almost everwhere
it took 3,5 hours to drive through
Hungary vs. Shenandoah

Shenandoah National Park, VA, 2012

everlasting nature 

i have to climb 
the real proof

After finishing visiting Shenandoah, we went to Williamsburg, ate lunch and checked out the whole historical district

look idiot:) 
the strategist

i had to change the oil in my car, so we took 1 hour break and got it done at the local Goodyear saloon. then headed back to Hamden, it took 11 hours to arrive home
and i dont have to say that we stopped by the Virginia Beach:)

look at this video - driving through the Brooklyn bridge, NYC at 2am, it is insane!!!

we arrived around 4:00am went to bed (trip lasted 32 hours, drove 23 hours, slept 4 hours, 1 hour spent at the mechanic and 4 more with miscellaneous things - CRAZY!) , got up and went to Jeffrey's bbq party. had fun spent a night there and went to the Rocky Neck beach on the Memorial Day.
 look at those juicy burgers and sausages!!! they landed in my stomach, yammyyy!!
 thanks Alley and Jeffrey!

Happy Memorial Day 2012!