Tuesday, May 29, 2012

05.14 - 05.20 - Birthday Party, Scouts

oh well, yes, i know, well behind of updating my blog
it is interesting when i am not choking under the wave of school and work stuff i immediately become lazy.
after a crazy weekend and monday, i have the time and mood to sit down and write two blogspots

so, once upon a time, two weeks from now...
tuesday: i had to work on tuesday because we had an invitation from the Hungarian ambassador of London, UK on wednesday, after work i went to the Gulash Place (Hungarian restaurant in Danbury) and bought some real homemade style smoked pork hungarian sausage. i asked John Aczel (Janos bacsit) where i could buy some real hungarian bread, he told me his secret bakery where he has bought bread for like 30 years!!
hmm, that bakery is just lovely! when i parked at the place, i felt that special fine, tasty bakery aroma, you that!
i felt like in hungary when i was a little kid, went into the supermarket, grabbed a fresh, crispy, warm bread and bite it in the shop! i could not resist to do it! that kind of feeling was that bakery
so i bought what i wanted and was fully prepared for my first guest speaker invitation

wednesday: after managing my hostel stuff, i was ready for the fancy lunch that we were invited for. every HABL student was there except one and Chris, his wife, His Excellency Mr. Janos Csak, his wife and another hungarian couple. we had a great time. but my only concern with fancy places is that i dont feel full after eating (it is sad i know:), then we visited Nancy Brinker's private hungarian fine art collection at QU, took some pictures and then headed toward Bantam, Litchfield, CT to the boy scout gathering
i got a dinner invitation from one of my boss at photronics, so i went to his place (that part of Litchfield is just  wonderful, green, calm, clean, streams, fish...) had a nice dinner (i was fully! thanks Jay!) and then at 7 we went to the boy scout meeting
i did not know a lot about being a scout, since then i know a little bit more, but i just like their principles, attitude, rules and values (i absolutely share them)
after the intro part, bence the guest speaker started his first public speech in english. i prepared for it, so i made notes which i usually dont, and i figured that the average age would be above 15-16, but it was around 12:) i spoke about why it is worth to study abroad, to travel around, to get to know new cultures and to try out new things. i wrote 10 points and said a short story around each of them, i educated them about girls and  responsible alcohol consumption as well, it was fun! it seemed they liked it. after speaking 20 minutes so many questions were arisen. i was so happy when those questions were related what i talked about and a lot came from the youngest ones, so they listened to me - that kind of experience is just indescribable, it was wonderful
after my speech they served the sausage and bread, it was much more fun - imagine about 30 kids who were running around  in a huge room with a piece of bread and sausage:D:D

Thank you guys! I wanna go back!

we went to shop with andras to get ready for our bbq catering

lots of food!
we had a great time celebrating Andras's and my birthday! we had great food, great weather and great company! Chen and her husband brought us a bottle of real Sake
here are some pix
we were 9 of us, the party lasted until 3:30 in the morning from 6pm, cool!!

after cleaning up the dirt of the bbq we got to go the QU to Nance Brinker's hungarian fine art collection opening ceremony
with Andre Farkas (billboard collector, András bácsi) talking about past and future

Nancy G. Brinker (former Hungarian ambassador)
Then we went to have dinner with her and other Hungarians, it was such a great night!

we went to rocky neck state park, public beach

that was the last last week

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