Thursday, June 14, 2012

05.28 - 06.03 - Cape Cod

Two important things happened to me on that week.

1. I left Photronics on June 1st. I just loved to work there and may go back to work. My colleagues were absolutely great people and i will miss them all!
They took me to a farewell lunch and gave me some goodbye presents. The feeling when other people appreciate your job is just priceless.
Fried Clam Basket

The youngest in the team! With both of my bosses! I miss you guys!

2. We went to Cape Cod to celebrate Lisanne's birthday and had fun during the whole weekend!
Here are some pictures and videos:

On Cape Cod
With the girls

@Pilgrim Monument, Provincetown
 That was the place where the first pilgrims reached America's coastline and settled down in the natural harbor in 1620.The name of their ship was Mayflower.
 In the Monument

Eating Little Neck Clams:)

Checking the second cook how she is checking the first cook how she is checking the food. It is called being a supervisor:) 

Serving food! The best part of BBQing:) 

Provincetown downtown - check out why this city is so colorful:)

Cheating the system 1.

Cheating the system 2.

Cheating the system 3.

We have to pay attention to the cultural side as well:)

Almost everybody but Andras

Dedicated to Gellert Erdossy - yes, Gellert, you can post it on your blog

Almost everybody but Evi

Wind 1.

Wind 2. 

@Moby Dick

Getting shaved by Evi:) - I survived!

Going into the Atlantic-ocean - INSANE!

Holy COW!!!! That was really cold!!! The Atlantic-ocean is FUN!

Happy Birthday Lisanne!

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