Monday, May 14, 2012

05.07 - 05.13 - second semester ends

As we just got back from the Great Lakes trip on Monday, i popped into my final finance exam. I tried to study at the hotel rooms, but i had lack of motivation, so I studied most during the way back home on my laptop, there were two chapters that i had to cover again. I did, but i still was not very enthusiastic about this exam. I was the last one who arrived (but i was on time), had a little headache and was dehydrated and tired. I just wanted to get this done and forget about it.
So i look at the paper, we had 20 questions. Alright, let's do this. I was the third one who finished it and left the scene. I didnt care about that class any more, just went home and started to work on the next final, which was managing people and organization.
I extended my slides and put the others' parts together, formed it and done, went to bed and crashed. On Tuesday we presented it at 1pm, it went well and I was so glad to finish this class! I liked the topic, but it was just so good feeling to get it done.
I had a final on Wednesday as well in transportation mgmt. Ohhh, ohh, ohh.:D Honestly I was even less motivated to study for this class. So after the managing people exam, I went to fish, caught 3 trouts, released two of them, went home, cooked the third one, ate it and went to the gym at night with Andris. We worked out a little bit, it refreshed me so much and made me pleasantly tired again:D So finally I didnt study at night, just fell asleep. I went to work on Wendesday, studied during the lunch time, after work I went directly to the university. I thought the exam will start at 6:30 but just started at 8:15pm. So i had around 2 hours to study. But it just didnt happen:D I got the paper, looked through, found it OK, filled it out, answered the questions and calculated that I had to calculate and gave it to my professor without double checking my answers. I felt so light myself after this exam. I am done with my first year at MBA!! Yeah!
Once I arrived home, the result of the exam was posted on Blackboard. I got 98/100 on my transportation exam. They released the finance result as well, i did 92/100 on that one. I am even more happy, the grades of other courses are not posted yet.
On Thursday we went out to the Mickey's place, it was free food there! I had to be there!:D That was the beforeparty before the Friday forgetting party.
On Friday, i went to workout a little bit, got my hair-cut, went to fish again, got two nice trouts, we ate them then. Andddd started to forget:D
We tried so hard, and we succeeded:D
It was such a great party in New Haven. We left the place when they closed the Bar at 2:10am. 
I had no worries about the semester any more:)

And finally on Saturday I did nothing but cleaned up my room. Look at this mess:D
First semester on the left side and second semester on the right side. 
#1: Business Communication
Business Ethics
Managing Customers
Strategic Business Problem Solving

#2: Financial Analysis/Decision Making
Transportation Management
Managing Marketing Channels
Managing People and Organization

These are my planned courses for the next semester:
#3: Business Decision Analysis (Statistics)
Accounting for Managers
Found of Health Care Management
Quality Management in Health Care Facilities

And I went to QU and left a message for the carrier office:
So thank you again!

Sunday was all about the commencement ceremony. 
We proudly announce that two new HABL-ers are officially graduated from QU: Eva Bartalos and Andras Herczeg. I wish all the best for them. Achieve your dreams! Be proud guys, what you have already accomplished. 
727 grads have been graduated from QU on the 13th of May, 2012. See the link for further information:
Some pictures:
Evi and our best professor:D 

The Big Picture 

Congratulations guys! We are very proud of you! 
Hopefully we can also accomplish this:D

HABL contingent

 Building 7, Apartment 2 contingent
I haven't realized how short I am until this time:D
 After the commencement ceremony we went to a nice restaurant to celebrate. OMG, the food was incredible!! Sorry, I didnt take a picture. It was too fancy for taking pictures about my food:D
 While we digested in the living room, just decided to go to the beach at 6pm for first time in Connecticut, Hammonasset Beach (

First time in 2012 I was on the beach at Key West (in March) and now in the Atlantic-ocean, it is not a bad life. 
And how was the water??
Like this:

We closed the day with drinking beer in the park of Whitney Village. That is what I call a great day!

More fun is coming soon!

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