Friday, April 6, 2012

03.26-04.01 - Pennsylvania trip

We went to Pennsylvania on the last weekend.
Here is the itinerary:

 Where can you see a factory like this?!
1st stop at Hershey's Chocolate Factory, the way how Americans entertain the customers is just unbeatable. Even though the Belgian, Hungarian or Swiss chocolate is better, Europeans cannot sell the feeling of eating chocolate or being in a factory.

 2,5 kg - solid pleasure
At the chocolate world! 
Xiao took us a Chinese restaurant, the experience was much better than the food. At this time we didn't have luck with that food. She said it was not fresh, i believe so...

In Harrisburg, under the Liberty Bell 
 I found it!!
Harrisburg, State Capitol

At night we went to two microbreweries and of course Hungarians are everywhere, even on the menu. But, I gotta tell you that was just a fake a German brewery don't try to eat Hungarian Goulash. Germans are good at so many things but making goulash. The mood was pretty good at the brewery (Pittsburgh's first brewery) because of the live German/American live music.
I do not understand myself, when i get the chance to eat, i always challenge myself. I started the meal with a beer cheese soup (it could have been quite enough to finish my dinner) then i ordered a national champion wheat beer of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009. It won everything but my vote. It was too bitter for me. And on the top of these i put a whole foot long sub with French fries. Holy cow, it was killing me, but of course i won that battle.
I terminated that sub. 
I wanna have a microbrewery in Hungary! It is a real capital intense business, but once you are in and everything is set up, all you need is a shovel to put the money into your storage. 
My favorite city is Pittsburgh. That city is just exquisite. It has three rivers, 443 bridges and 776 staircases. There has been invented the world's #1 sold sandwich, the BigMac. The guy who created it was appreciated with a Thanks for your effort! card by the MacDonalds:) The company made tons of money though. 
 We visited Pittsburgh's most exclusive restaurant the Grand Concourse, it was a railway station but they turned into a fancy/upscale/snob or whatever you want to call it restaurant. I was just a freaking cheap tourist among the guests. (But I didn't care at all, walked around took some pictures)
We went to our place, which was the Crab Shake place. OMG look at this plate! I got all fresh-made (from scratch) crabcake, fish and chips and stuffed, grilled shrimps with onion fries!! The best seafood ever (until this time) 
Lovely Pittsburgh 
I "borrowed" a chair, put in the middle of a road, blocked the transportation and enjoyed the feeling of having fun.
"Stolen daughter" - a piece of art 
At the Fort Pitt (that was the last original piece of the fort) 
I could say: "God bless America!"
 That is a pretty cool place, the world-known horseshoe curve. During the WWII the Nazis wanted to blow up this curve to block the east side's most important railway. They didn't succeed. It is still one of the most busiest transport route. It passes thorugh the Appalachian. 
At the PennState's gift shop #1

 I still know something about gymnastics. It was shot in the PennState Botanic Garden. 375 acres, 1700 species, pretty big. The school has 44.000 students on the PennState campus and 87.000 students all together. What do you think about its size? The biggest university is the Arizona State University with almost 60.000 students on campus.

Hershey, milk shake

Ducky boat

We had a great weekend with Andris and Xiao and looking forward the upcoming trips.
Next post is going to be about the Broadway, the Hungarian restaurant and Eastern.
Thanks for reading.

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