Sunday, April 22, 2012

04.10 - 04.16 - Hatching fish

I do not have much time to write but still I want to keep up with the time flow here.
The quote of the last two weeks could be: "Business never stops!" Even you have challenging time you got to look forward and focus on the future. Big changes happened in the last two weeks in my life. 
But when something ends a new venture just begins! I always say never look back, but now I have a good reason to do it for a little. I had a real good time in the last two years. Thank you.

After this short introduction, let's see some cool happenings. 
Look at these pictures!!! First time in my life I hatched real domesticated wild fish that i just got from my friend. 

Tadammm!!!! My little fry!
(Just bought a 1,5 gallon aquarium at Wallmart, it was cheap, looks great and work well!)

 We went to the Honkong Market in New Haven with Xiao. Bought some Chinese stuff. Those are really good products. I will go again and write a longer review on that kind of food.

Stupid Hungarian:)
 Our regular date with Andras at Arby's ( Cheap, American, stuffy, junk still delicious though:D
What could an average college kid wish?

Here it is!! Homemade Hungarian food from scratch made by Ildi at her Hungarian dinner. Thank you for the amazing food! I ate too much, but what i could have done? I cannot resist good food (actually any kind of food:) lol) Saturday night!

For one beauty
And another one for the same one

First chub in the USA (it was followed by 20 others)
My lovely fishing spot 
The weather was so nice and i slipped on a rock so one of my shoes got wet. I decided to take the other one off too and to go into the water. Catch some fish from the water:) I felt like an insider and looked like a fool:D 
So anyway as it was written somewhere I cut my thumb. The wound was pretty deep but after a short treatment it was cleaned. Now it is just fine. (Today i went into the water again....)
What is it? Addiction?

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