Sunday, March 25, 2012

03.19-03.25 - Photronics

The Florida trip was a little bit overwhelming not just physically but finally as well:D SO we postponed our Pennsylvania trip a week. So this weekend was free. I got the chance to keep up with the school line and to take some rest.
At Photronics I lost my boss. The whole department is missing him. He was a great boss, made his followers loyal, hard-working and motivated. That is kind of a boss i want to be.
On Tuesday i took a test on managing people and organization, it went well and got 100%. (My first 100% grade in the US:) I had to realize, i need to find internship for the fall, so dear reader if you know somebody who is looking for great workforce please let me know. I can work up to 20 hours a week, i could work 60 too, but my visa status doesnt let me to do so. I can commute even to New York, no problem. I am interested in any business field. I know the more the merrier, but i would prefer smaller companies, where i can get more responsibilities and serious projects. The best area would be working at incubators, then export/import field and then supply chain, then marketing (with online focus) and then anything else. I can do many things from cutting grass, to writing any kind of business plans from the beginning to the end, with implementation as well. For me time is a holy thing, as well as my word that i have given to anyone. Why am i writing down these things? Because i need an internship and would like to use the channels i can.
Some thoughts about getting paid employed in the US with a J-1 visa. First it is hard, second it is very hard. Third it is not impossible!! If you think about the competition among fresh college students for internship positions, this is tough. Companies hire interns to test them whether they could employ them permanently. They are willing to invest into those persons. If you are a temporary immigrant none wants to invest into your knowledge. For what? Would you do? Their entire perspective has to be changed when they think about you and at the same time you are competing against permanent american students who the english is their mother language. 
I bought my fishing license even i am in red right now:D I need some fun alone. I had today. Caught 11 perch. I released them, because they are nursing/breeding, you know what i mean, they are making little fish:D My passion is fishing and my ultimate goal is to have an own fishery. I found so many cool papers about this topic, so if i will have couple free minutes, i dig further deep into it. 
I fried the trout i caught last november. Here it is. Tasted great, i noticed that the king of fish is the trout, this is no question at all!
Little milking male perch, first fish in 2012! Good luck for this season for everyone!

My first trout in the US is served with asian side dish - Before! 
YAY - After!

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