Wednesday, March 21, 2012

03.12-03.18 - Florida

Florida, springbreak, palm-trees, crow, Georgia, fun. These are the buzzwords of this week. I'm sorry guys but my google chrome crashed down, so i lost the entire 3 pages draft. I just cannot rewrite it again.
I show you our map, we drove 6000km in 5 days, we passed 10 states and visited 3 national parks as well.
Losing 3 pages draft is just a sh*t feeling...I mean really. So now im gonna upload the pictures and say short stories about them.
In Georgia I got a speed ticket. I passed an oversize load truck and he pushed me, tried to pass me back, it was scary, so i started to speed up. Then i was pulled over. Here are some sentences of the conversation: "Hey guys, my name is Lieutenant xxxx, im taking care of you." After showing my international driving license, he came back and says "Here are the tickets guys, one for you and two for you." "Why?" "Because you dont have valid driving license." "I do have, here it is." "I cannot read that language, and there is no english in it." "Here is the english version." "Oh, i see." "Could you please cancel those two tickets." "No, i have already written those, i could get in trouble. But you can go to court." "We will not be able to go to court, we live in connecticut." "I know, i know, then you have to pay." "But this is valid in connecticut." "I'm here to enforce the georgian law, i cannot do anything with the connecticut law." "When do we have to shift our places." "You can drive further." Holy sh*t! It cost us $607, so now we are trying to figure out how we could judge that i do have a valid licence.
We started our trip on Wednesday at 1:30 3/14/12 after working 20 hours. I slept 4 hours before night, because I had so much things to do. We were not fully prepared in soul for this journey. Just my car stayed at the parking lot of Whintey Village. 

 New York, Washington Bridge, two levels, 12$ to drive through.
The way we traveled, hungarian picnic.

At Richmond, that was our first stop, we checked out the State Capital, the War Monument, and the civil war bridge, where people escaped from Richmond in 1865.

The bridge

Just a snapshot of our journey.

After passing Orlando (Walt Disney), Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Savannah, we arrived to Naples.

Naples, Conty's Motel

Marco Island, Mexico Gulf. I am trespassing now, and during taking this picture we parked in private property checked by surveillance system. This is the island of retired millionaires. This place was unbelievable. Private properties were everywhere, there were not even free public parking places, but payed parking places at all. The message was: If you dont live here, get lost!

Everglades National Park

Our first gator in the swamp, just walking on a public (free) trail.

We went on air-boat trip to check out the swamp. We saw 7 gators. The experience was breathtaking.

These are strong animals!

On the airboat. It was fast and fun!!!

Tried out the gator tail bites and frog legs at an indigenous restaurant.


After, the gator tail was a little bit chewy, but tasty. Frog legs tasted like chicken, hmm, so delicious.

At the Flamingo Bay, Everglades National Park a little monkey.

This video doesn't need any comments. Just funny!! Everglades btw.

Miami sunrise. We spent two nights in Miami South Beach, we spent just the nights there checking out the nightlife. Why cannot you go to a nightclub:
- because you look like shit
- because you look cheep
- because you wear short
- because your shoulders are not covered
- because you fail on the face control
How you can get there? Go to a horde of girls and promise them drinks in the bar.

On Saturday we spent the whole day in Key West. This is the Key West Fort. Key West is much cooler than the Bahamas. Many Americans rather go to the Bahamas, because it is cheaper. Key West is the end point of the US in south. The way is just wonderful, you travel almost 3 hours on one bridge from island to island. It is crazy. 
Key West, on the way, it is beautiful, isn't?! 

The ocean or the gulf (it is actually the border of both) is crystal clear. 

We enjoyed chasing girls, the sunshine, the sand and the water. Had a great time there. 
Good old times.
I had to check out the fishers. There is another bridge for fishing!!! I love that place!

Miami neighborhood I.
Miami Neighborhood II.
Going to the Southbeach!
Dinner at a mexican diner in the art decor district, miami.
Nightlife traffic jam, Miami
This is another great story. Andris and I walking down the street and passed four people, we just heard this:"CSELLENDZZSERR!". It hit our ears, because it sounded just as we would say in hungarian. Slowed down a little bit and heard this: "Hallod, hallod, csellendzser, nézzed máá, há ilyet otthon öcsém nem látsz! Vájá má, csináljál már egy képet, itt a telóm!! Hallod besz*rsz ez akkora! Jajj fiúk ne csináljátok már, olyan gyerekesek vagytok." Stepped a few ahead and started to laugh our asses out. This is unbelievable! What is the probability to meet with four drunk hungarians in miami downtown?? I would have said before this, there is no, but now it is above 90%! They behaved just like you imagine a hungarian abroad. We walked away without let them know who we are. It was sad, how they behaved, for us it was just untenable...But was funny!! For those who dont speak this world language no need to know what this part is about. This is just an insider joke. Insider for every hungarian.

In front of Hotel Casablanca
View from our room at Casablanca
Atlantic-ocean, Miami South Beach, WOHOO, YAYY!

 One of my property, an element of the portfolio of the Ltd.
 #2 Biscayne National Park
 Every time i have to go to the water.
 Cool crab!
One of my weekend house will look like this, just with a bigger yacht.
 #3 Congaree National Park, we arrived there on Sunday 9:30pm, because the Lonely Planet said that the best time to check out the park is after sunset, because all the animals are moving. So we did. It was a little bit scary. None was there but us. 
We went on a trail as well with our lights. We could make a horror movie out there, really! Muhaha! 
Sunday night just arrived to Charlotte. Nice city! 

After leaving Miami we had to get back to reality.
Here it is:
 We were on time during the whole trip. But we didnt let enough buffer time for Connecticut, so we found ourselves in a massive jam. It causes 30 minutes late. But in a 6000km trip, it is OK.:)
Just got out of the car and went to our finance class:
From Miami to school, that is kind of a good student. 
The results of the class:)

My biggest trip ever! Thanks Andris, Photronics, HABL and everybody!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you guys drove there all the way from Hamden!
