Thursday, March 1, 2012

02.20-02.26 - Mystic-Providence

Sorry guys for the late post, I was just under the vawe this weekend and week. So, let's see what happened to me.
You know what, it is really hard to think back more than a week. Anyway.:)
Since last Monday I live in a new era. Two weeks ago on a Wednesday night, when I got my first salary at Photronics, I ordered a juice extractor. And I've already got it on Friday, but because of Photronics I was not able to arrive before the campus post closed. So I picked it up on Monday and made my first juice by carrots. I know, i know: Bence do not drink juice just from carrot, because you can get sick easily, your eyes turn yellow of the carotin. But i had just carrots in the fridge and was so happy, so i had to tried out. That was my best juice I have ever made, not because of it taste but because of the feeling. I am so hungry for vitamins. Tuesday I tanked my inventory with apples, lemons, carrots, cabbage, salads, and celery. On this tuesday I bought the follwing: apple, orange, carrot, celery, parsley, radish, beetroot, kale, red salad and lemon. It is unbelievable, isn't?! That is me too! The healthy Bence! But I gotta tell you, it really doesnt mean that I am any kind of vegetarians. It means I can eat more meat to reach the vegetables/meat balance. The point because i bought this machine, because i am lazy to eat these veggies, so you just throw them into the smashing place and done! Every morning I start my day with 4-5 deciliters juice. And Jeffrey showed me a movie, that said when we eat normal food, we eat macroelement, but we our body would need much more microelements. And these microelements are in the juice I drink. So, this is enough from the speech.
I had a test in managing people and organization class last Tuesday, i was motivated to learn this stuff at least for this test, so i read it 1.5 times and looked through again, then i checked the ppt of this chapter which was posted on Blackboard (like Neptun, just it works) and it was absolutely another topic! Holy sh*t!! What have i done? I just wasted my time! OK, Bence dont worry, just sit down and look through the new topic. It was about ooo... I dont remember:) But my point is, that I got 90% on that test! Consequences: dont study for this class!
Wednesday. I went to work. It was great, i really like this job, but i cannot speak about it. After job, transportation management class strated, my lonely lovely class! It inspires me every time to draw something, so what could i do? It is a must. The midterm is due next wednesday, but i have plenty of time to open up my book and start to learn cirka 250 pages. I cannot think about it!! VAAAAA!!!
After this beautiful time spending (I'm waiting for your critics, and thank you in advance! Bence, you shouldnt write this on your blog!! What do i write? I post only beautiful things here!). Andras and I went out to the best wednesday night restaurant, it is called RedLobster!!!! Hmm, yammyy! The food is just indescribable! The picture tells itself!
Thursday night. Managing marketing channels. I was off. I almost fell asleep, i was exhausted like crazy. BUT, before class Andras and I went up to the York Hill campus and gained our terrible towel for free! It is not a big deal, but for us! After class I went back to Whitney Village (no Eli's hangout at that night) and opened up the finance book. It made me scary. How will I pass this exam which is due next monday, which was this Monday? I decided to be pussy and start to study because I knew that Friday night will be off as well the whole Saturday. So I was pussy and studied. After 1.38 hours I fell asleep over my freshly opened finance book. Great job Bence! I slept really well at that night. I did everything i could, my conscience was clean!
Friday. Wow, that was fun! We started with free food and beer in the TD Bank Stadium, there was a graduant event. So free food for Bence, I had to eat something hard stuff after my juice anyway. And then the hockey game started. It was fun though! My first hockey game ever! I sat next to Keith (Kiii isz, that is how you should call him, kisz or kiz or chris that is how i call him, sorry Keith:)) he used to play hockey much more serious, but now just for fun. So I asked smart questions about the game. After the game (where of course the QU won, they bought the game already in advance so dont worry...:D im just kidding) everyone came to our poor apartement in Whitney Village, where we drunk some cheap wine. I was the host and it was an adhoc happening, so i was not able to be prepared. And theeeeen we went to New Haven for fun. And we had a great time there. The bar or pub where we went into served 206 different kind of beers. Wow! unfortunately there was no hungarian...
Saturday. In the morning we prepared for a long trip to Mystic and Providence. Here are some pictures what we saw and did.
Thanks for reading!
Two more weeks to go to Florida!!! Miami Beach south, here we come!!

New era is arrived 1/5 

Bence - Hot-Dogs 4-0

Brown's - QU 1-4

QU - Police 0-1

 With Mr. Penguin
With the manatees

 @ Brown University (Ivy League)
Disruptive technology, but why?:D

Kia Rio - Bridge 1-0 (4$ for us:)

Somewhere nearby Providence

QU score

Lion seal show

Jelly fish striptease

@Red Lobster, with a lobster soup YAMMYYY

@Red Lobster, stuffed butter-fish fillet, scallops, shrimps, french fries, ketchup

 At the empty restaurant with my New England Clam Chowder soup
There was nobody but us:D

Photronics parking lot


Bence's strike!


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