Sunday, February 19, 2012

02.13 - 02.19 - Valentine's Day

This week was all about food and commuting to work. Tuesday night was Valentine's Day and Jeffrey and Alley invited five of us to a Valentine's Day dinner at Ibiza Tapas Bar. I tried to make a picture about every meal. It was not a successful project, i still missed to take a picture about five meals. Just desserts were three kinds.
Fortunately Ildi drove, so I didnt have to worry about my food coma:D
Here we are:

And the meals:

Thanks Jeff and Alley!

After transportation management class we went out ot eat something with Andras. We have this tradition since the this school year, on every Wednesday night we are going to a restaurant. Every time into a different one.
Aziz offered us a great Turkish Restaurant in West Haven, so we checked it out, here it is:


American traffic review by Bence

1. Photronics distance is 50 miles from Hamden. Average time to go there is 50-55 minutes.
2. It means 160 km driving on every working day.
3. I have a manual shifting Honda Civic 2000 LX
4. I have to go through Waterbury which is a bottleneck on the highway.
5. Americans run on automatic cars.
6. Americans dont use this rule: Pass Left, Keep Right!
7. You can exceed the speed limit by 15 mph, so at 65 speed limit, you can go 80 mph without any problem

a. Bence cannot speed on the highway, jerks are on every line (usually 4 lines per each direction) with the same speed, there is no way to go
b. Bence got mad when it happens - it is really annoying, they have much better cars than I have and are afraid of speeding above 65 mph or so
c. The highway is stocked, why do they have/need 4 lines?
d. Because of the bottle neck effect any time you pass through Waterbury, there is a traffic jam (smaller or bigger). I dont like traffic jams, not just because i waste my time in it, but my manual shifting car works differently than automatic cars in the jam. They accelerate faster and they dont have engine break. So in the jam i accelerate slower and stop faster. It really hurts the flow of the traffic jam. Anyway. And I have to shift so many times between 1st and second gears. Americans do not understand what is wrong with me. :D
e. Because of they are afraid of speeding and driving in a rainy weather Bence can speed in the inmost line!!! YAY!
f. Bence is absolutely exhausted at the end of the day and sometimes falls asleep on the classes.

       Americans are not good at keeping right
       Bence has to get used to it.

Because "What doesnt kill you makes you stronger!"

Just to get the feeling:


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