Sunday, April 22, 2012

04.17 - 04.22 - Fishing season starts

I still do not have much time. I am buried under school stuff. Just to let you know what i have due for this upcoming week (it is not complaining, just reality). There will be two finance presentation on Monday, one test and one paper in managing people and organization on Tuesday, one research paper (half) in transportation management on Wednesday. It doesn't seem to be much, but it is. So thus I was able to go to fish on Friday, Saturday and Sunday... Poor time management:)
On Friday I was invited by my colleagues to go to a German restaurant in Danbury. Of course i went there and checked out the food. It was good, but not the same as in München at the Hofbräu Haus. I ate the soup of the day (potato and onion soup). Ya, gut! I was thinking about ordering the food in German but finally i did in English. I was a little bit confused with the Wurst selection. So I almost ordered it in Hungarian:D

Wurstplatten - Guten Appetite!
Danke schön!

Oh, I forgot to post this picture in my last blogspot: 
Home style Burger at Demil's on Whitney - ultimate challenge after Thursday class - I terminated this sandwich:D

Back to the fishing:
Everything started on Friday afternoon at Photronics. There is a little "fire-pond" next to the factory. In a lunchtime i went to check it out. And guess what? I saw so many fish in it.
Here is the result:
Chub at Photronics!

Viewers discretion is advised! Fish are coming. 
I know i am a little bit crazy about them, but hey! the 2012 fishing season has been just started on 21th of April (always starts on the third weekend of April) at 6am. I arrived to the river at 5:55 and was not able to park my car anywhere but on the prohibited section of the road. The coast of the river was packed with stupid anglers. Come on guys, what is going on?? I have never seen that kind of craziness around fishing. 
But i thought no one can stop Bence to put his bait into the water and catch some fish!!
I found a 10 meter (30 feet) long part which was free, so stood between two other colleagues. There was a fisherman on every fifth meter (15 feet)! CRAZY!!! I almost had no place to throw my bait but i solved it. I went for fish with sweet WallMart corn. Everybody looked at me, look at this stupid young kid! Is he going to catch anything?? Look at our stuff, expensive poles, state-of-the-art reels, cool and trendy baits/spinners, special clothes (you know when you look like a forest in the middle of the water)! 
Guess what? 
After 30 minutes i caught two trouts with CORN!! Now, everybody became jealous on me. And started to ask: Can I get some corn? Of course, you can bro! On Saturday morning i got much more than anybody else i saw on the coast. 10 trouts. 5 is the limit so i released 5 of them. And I caught around 30 chubs too. 

The first one after 5 minutes! 
Pro colleagues! You should have seen me! $20 rod and reel set from WallMart, one $1 towel from dollar tree, c77 WallMart value sweet corn and one float from Hungary. You cannot find any usable float here in the entire USA. At the end the last fish broke my rod at the last section. (I went home and fixed it.)

I got a practicing fly rod from Jeffrey and a bunch of flies from Forrest. I tried it and caught my FRIST FLYFISHED FISH, a little chub! I was even more happy!
5 trouts on Saturday
2 trouts on Sunday in one hour

And finally some good food again! On Saturday night we went out to a Ethiopian Restaurant in New Haven. 
I ordered the special selection, where you can choose four types of food on one plate. 
I really enjoyed the food, not just because it tasted good, but because i had to eat with my hands and fingers actually! That is what i was always missing in my childhood.:D:D:D


Ultimate challenge 2.0

Thanks for reading!
Take care!

04.10 - 04.16 - Hatching fish

I do not have much time to write but still I want to keep up with the time flow here.
The quote of the last two weeks could be: "Business never stops!" Even you have challenging time you got to look forward and focus on the future. Big changes happened in the last two weeks in my life. 
But when something ends a new venture just begins! I always say never look back, but now I have a good reason to do it for a little. I had a real good time in the last two years. Thank you.

After this short introduction, let's see some cool happenings. 
Look at these pictures!!! First time in my life I hatched real domesticated wild fish that i just got from my friend. 

Tadammm!!!! My little fry!
(Just bought a 1,5 gallon aquarium at Wallmart, it was cheap, looks great and work well!)

 We went to the Honkong Market in New Haven with Xiao. Bought some Chinese stuff. Those are really good products. I will go again and write a longer review on that kind of food.

Stupid Hungarian:)
 Our regular date with Andras at Arby's ( Cheap, American, stuffy, junk still delicious though:D
What could an average college kid wish?

Here it is!! Homemade Hungarian food from scratch made by Ildi at her Hungarian dinner. Thank you for the amazing food! I ate too much, but what i could have done? I cannot resist good food (actually any kind of food:) lol) Saturday night!

For one beauty
And another one for the same one

First chub in the USA (it was followed by 20 others)
My lovely fishing spot 
The weather was so nice and i slipped on a rock so one of my shoes got wet. I decided to take the other one off too and to go into the water. Catch some fish from the water:) I felt like an insider and looked like a fool:D 
So anyway as it was written somewhere I cut my thumb. The wound was pretty deep but after a short treatment it was cleaned. Now it is just fine. (Today i went into the water again....)
What is it? Addiction?

Monday, April 9, 2012

04.02-04.09 - Broadway, Easter 2012

We went to meet with our former boss at the Hungarian Goulash Place in Danbury.

The special plate was so cool! Fasirt, kolbász, sült karaj, pároltkáposzta!! The sausage tasted like real home-made stuff! I would never believe without seeing with my eyes and tasting with my tongue. Yammy!

Look at this beautiful palacsinta/Palatschinke/Pancake, it had three layers as it was rolled up, each one was stuffed with cottage cheese, strawberry jam and apricot jam!

With the oldest Hungarian Hungarian-restaurant owner, Aczél János bácsi (Mr. John Aczel)

With my peers! Wow, we had a great time, everyone ate his/her portion.
I had to go back and buy two pairs of home-made smoked sausages. János bácsi gave me a half real Hungarian bread!!! I sat down on Friday and ate half of it (approximately 60 dkg-s, 1,2 lbs) with fresh butter!

On Tuesday night I got an invitation from Jeffrey's mother to the Broadway. That night was just so perfect. I cannot compare the show to any other theater shows. I knew that the Broadway is Broadway, but i had no clue what is going on there. Now I know. Incredible performers. That was an epic experience, thank you!!!

Here is a short movie about it. But it cannot give back the feeling.
Just look at me! I look like a five years old kid, who just got a lollipop. I was so happy. I couldn't do anything else but smile. 
I went to fish on Saturday afternoon. The weather was wonderful, so i decided to catch some fish. I walked around where just water was and tried my best, but nothing really came to my hook. 
I saw some beaver sings. In one of my previous spot there is a video about them. Look it up.
I like this picture, i always wanted to make a bridge like this. "The dream came true..."
It is in the middle of the swamp. The beauty can find you anywhere. 
There is a Long Island:) where the river reaches the pond, i walked through alongside and almost stepped on this goose mother. She has 5 eggs. I didnt want to disturb her so turned back and sat down to fish. The water was crystal clear i could even see the bottom of it. While I was wondering in the sunshine a huge large-mouth bass swam in front of me. Of course i wanted to catch him, so i made a cast, but he went away. I thought: **** this, i have to have fish dirt on my hands. So I decided to cheat the system and let's fish on campus where there is a little pond. (some days earlier i checked it, and there was one big koi carp in it and i saw another big fish, but i couldn't say what kind of) I don't have to say that you cannot fish on campus.
Let's have fun! - Who is gonna catch you, Bence on Easter Saturday?
Here we go!! I felt enough fish dirt on my hands, caught altogether 70 fish. Most of them were sunnies and bluegills. 
And the 60th was the big fish i saw in the pond before. 

A beautiful large-mouth bass, the first one in my life.
I fried it and served with corn and juice. It was delicious. That is why i love our Campus. What not allowed to do is much sweeter! I am going to come back! Check out for crazy Hungarians at the pond!
Alley and Jeffrey invited me to a Sunday Easter lunch. Here is the Table 1. 
What do you think?  
 Creamy cheese with jam and cracker? It tastes good! 
Lamb, beef and we had a huge piece of ham. Good protein source for a hungry kid. 
Table 2.  
 Pickled daffodils 
Me with Mr. Bernhard

Happy Easter 2012!