Sunday, November 6, 2011

10.31-11.06 - Sages Ravine

Before I show you some good pictures, I summarize my classes.
After we spent 25 hours to make our presentation to the case study class, our group met at 21:10 Monday for 15 minutes to double check everything before the Big Day. Of course, it took 2 hours:) According to this we enjoyed to fine-tune our slideshow:)
Tuesday night: showtime! BUT, the projector didn't work. OMG! Shit happens sometimes, but why always with us? No problem, we can present without powerpoint...I almost convinced the professor that we postpone our presentation one week because it is not fair compare to other groups who can use PPT. But an enthusiastic IT guy set up the system somehow... It was not perfect because the projector showed our ppt on the second screen and we saw the first screen. So the projected picture was our actual screen. I hope you can imagine. It was still sucks, but we managed it and took our presentation. Jeffrey introduced the group and then I described the skeleton of the presentation Alex, Alley and Jeffrey presented the core stuff and I finished it with the action plan and summarized the ppt. It was great job we got 100% score. We were so happy, especially me:D
Wednesday was a bit worse. For business ethics we had to analyse the ethical issues of IKEA India. If it continues, we are going to be business ethics experts:D We learn there how we can recognize the ethical problem in any case and aspect of our life. Yeah! Can you imagine how many pages we should handle in for this class?? I got to tell you: 8x4 ps. case studies + 1x5 ps. book report + 1x10 ps. Team Student-Developed Case Study of Ethical Situations in the Work Place + 1x10 ps. My ethical leader style = 57 pages:D
The peak of the week was the M-Day. On marketing class I did 88% on online quiz and got 86% for my second case study. This result is quiet OK, I am happy with this.

I almost have a schedule to the next semester, it will be like this:

- Financial Analysis/Decision Making (Monday night)
- Managing People and Organization (Tuesday afternoon)
- Transportation Management (Wednesday night)
- Managing Marketing Channels (Thursday night)

I went to shop Friday and bought my winter boots and my jacket. I had to sleep with my new shoes because I liked it so much:D Then Andras and me went to hike on the Appalachian Trail, we visited Sages Ravine. Saturday night we celebrated Szasza's birthday. Today I went to fish because the weather was so nice. I am very proud because I caught a quiet big bass with my newly bought Rapala wobbler.
Here are the photos!

Sages Ravine (Appalachian Trail)
My new boots!
The man who can walk on the water...
Beautiful bass with Rapala F03-TR


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