Sunday, November 27, 2011

11.21-11.27 - third month

Where should I start?
Of course with my car! OK, so let's see what happened? I could have carried back my car around 10am Monday, but Allen (a black 28 years old psychologist student BA first year) didn't call me...I was a bit worried, thus I tried to call him, but nobody answered. Finally, around half past 1pm, Allen called and told me that I have to be ready around half past 4pm. I said OK, and asked about the delay. "You know man, we have other customers, and limited contracted sources...We also have to wait." He came at 4:48pm and we went back to the Milford dealer shop. Fine. I gotta tell you, that I made a mistake. Before checking the car and because I trusted that guy, I paid the money, the rest $5000 in check. OK, little paperwork, and I was ready to go. I got the keys, nothing fancy, ooo, Bence here are your keys, or something. Nothing. I forgot to give u this...So, this is the story of getting my first car's ignition key. I went out (at that time it was pitch-dark) and checked the car. I started the engine, sounded good, but the left blinker didn't work and the hood opener was still broken. ALLEN!!! How did mechanics check my car?? Ohh, i don't know man! You have to come back tomorrow morning and they will fix it. I didnt want to go back... I complained but i had to go back Tuesday morning. Fine. Without GPS in the pitch-dark and crazy traffic I drove back without problem to our little apartment complex. Tomorrow morning I was there at 10 and they fixed this 15 minutes problem under 3 hours. Done. On my way back to Whitney Village I realized more problems!!!! Váááá! Maintenance required sign is red, left wiper is not working properly, the DC adapter is out-of-order, so my freshly bought GPS was not spare wheel, and the sound system is blabbing in the tank. Great! I checked everything with Dan, and he calmed me down, dont worry they will fix those too. I hoped so. BUT, that day was mad for me! I went to Hartford still without GPS and picked up my laptop charger that I lost at the conference room. I tried to charge my HP laptop and it just died!:( Oh nooo!!! Wrong car, no laptop, not-working GPS, what else??
I decided to go to North Haven to buy a new laptop. I cannot live without a laptop. That is the sad true. At the Bestbuy (similar to the MediaMarkt) three young black field salesmen tried to sell me a laptop. They tried to screw up. Maybe 3-4 times. After 1,5 hour I got mad, and left the whole shop! Stupid idiots! I stopped at P.C. Charles shop (this is a family-owned electronic store), went to the shop, told the salesguy: "Look, i came from the Bestbuy, I am upset, dont need another stupid salesrep, so please follow my needs and help me with a good laptop." After 5 minutes I bought my new Asus K53E laptop at $638. Since then I am satisfied with this laptop.
Oh, i didnt tell u that my car insurance is $155,32 per month. I need an american driving license to get a better quote.
Wednesday I went back to Milford, tried to fix my car. They recorded my claim and I got a schedule on Monday 7:30. I hope they will fix everything on my car. If not, i will not keep this car...
Around 11am I met with Jeffrey and Xiao at the Milford Plaza. We looked around, I learnt a lot of tricks in retailbusiness:) and we ate a brand-new sushi-restaurant. OMG, more than 50 different kind of food were there! I tasted almost everything. The food was simply perfect for me.:D and my stomach was full!! And I got an invitation for Thanksgiving with Jeffrey's family.
Thursday 2pm. We started to go. Just for any case we ate a slice of pizza and drunk two beers. We had a great time together! I know what is celebrating Thanksgiving! There is no similar event in Hungary. This happening is all about being off and eating a lot (really a lot!) With the older son we tight two fishing flies. There will be a picture about it below. We spoke a lot, ate a lot! That was a perfect Thanksgiving! Really hard to describe that experience! I am thankful to be here and to meet good people!
Friday I went to fish! Andddd, I caught a beautiful brown trout!
Saturday and Sunday I went to fish again, read some school stuff, washed my clothes, etc.
I have just realized today, that the first semester is over! 3 more weeks and done.:)
So here are the pictures:

1 lb trout

 2000 Honda Civic LX 1,6 l

 New battery, special air filter:)
 My first car ever!
Some leftover from Thanksgiving: turkey, ham, kale, stuffed zucchini, sweet potato, mashed potato (this is not the whole palette)
Beavers on the Clark Pond


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