Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11.14-11.20 - My car

Sorry about the late post. But i gotta tell you so much stuff happened during the last week...
Start with Monday. Actually I dont remember what happenned on Monday:D (When you read this post, please take into account that I wrote it after one of my worst day:() What I know is the Wednesday. I remember crystal clear from hour to hour what happened. Ahh, i remember, because of the Thrusday Trade Visit I had to make my school work in advance, especially the marketing. But this pushed advance the other tasks:) Plus one more ingredient to understand the whole picture. (If you read the previous post, i told you that thanks for God the ethics class was cancelled:) I didnt write that case at all. So for this week I had two business ethics cases to get done. Great! One was about the Accuform, The ethical leadership and its challenge in the era of globalisation, that was easy. I finished this in 2,5 hours:D But the other case, called Drug testing in Nigeria (A)... oh, leave me alone. So back to the chronology. I wrote the accuform case at Tuesday night. And Wednesday started at 5:30. I wrote the first task for Business Communication. Good. Then started to write the Nigeria case. At 11am Lisa cancelled her class because of the lack of computer support:) I went to Chris, where we (Ildi, Chris and me) worked until 4:15. We came back and I have to finish the business case. At one moment I almost gave up to go to the class. But I finished the paper at 6pm. So I decided, I will not miss from this class (my brother thinks again i am wrong with this phrase for sure). I took the course, it was soo boring, because i didnt read anything and was unprepared, but i won my battle!
After the class we went to a little, delicious, genuine italian restaurant as usually we do. I ate Pasta a'la Vodka. Every time i miss some alcohol, that is the real disadvantage to be here:D It was so good! After this we went home and i started to write the third paper, marketing! At midnight it killed/terminated me:D I had to sleep. But i always do my homework, so i got up at 3am and finished that paper until 5:40am and sent to the professor. (I could imagine his face, when he realized the sending time... stupid hungarian:)
After it i took a shower, got ready to go to Hartford.

We started to go at 6:15. Arrived at 7:00, i had to meet with the hungarian delegation at Hilton at around 7:30-7:45. I walked around the downtown. It was pretty impressive how a real american city wakes up. Everybody run around some steamy coffee or tee. Pigeons are eating on the side of the streets. The sun is rising up. The sky is in rainbow colors from dark blue to pink. Maybe i imagined this, but i was amaized. I saw that scence somewhere from high...Great experience. I went back to the Hilton. First time in my life in the Hilton. Uhmm, nothing special, beautiful and fancy, but not that inaccessble i imagined. Nothing is that until you know it. (I hope it makes sense in english, if not, please correct me!) With my old serbian-hungarian friend Giora we welcomed the delegation. Most of the hungarians thought i guess i was an elevator boy:D We walked back together to the UKS, where i ate a solid breakfast for sure. And the cross-border trade affair/show/conference started. I was pretty excited about it, but everything went smoothly. I was so happy when Jeffrey arrived and was able to come! That day was so exhausting, bot worthy! I met a lot of good hungarian business man! We spent  a really funny/serious/valuable time together! Thanks for them! I came home around 1:30.
Friday, second day started again at 7am at the Hotel. There was breakfast again, business panel, lunch, Mark Twain house visiting, closing ceremony, then Sauska wine tasting at the Marriott Hotel. An then the closing dinner! Everything was above my expectations!! I hope everybody was satisfied with the event! I woudl like to say special thanks for Chris, without him this whole event didnt want to come together, he did so much superhuman effort to organize it. Thanks for Ildi to give me some rides back and forth and to help Chris when I didnt have time to do so. Every Habeler took part in the event! It was really good to see how something can work:) I came back to sleep around mindnight, i dont remember:D Not because of the alcohol unfortunately:D But because of the tiredness.

Saturday!!! One of my best day here! I bought my car! Dan called me in the morning regarding the car searching. I was a little bit undercoordinated, but I prepared myself soon and we looked after some potential cars. The third car was located in Milford, CT. 2000 Honda Civic 1,6l LX Sedan 5 speed manual transmission with mileage of 141,000. It was love at first sight! The only problem was the price. It was $6000 sticker on the windshield. No problem we will bargain. We made a perfect deal. Here on the top of the base price you have to pay 6,32% sales tax (VAT, ÁFA)(the highest in the US!) + 125$ registration fee, 399$ conveyence fee. The final base price went down to $4476 and I came out the door with $5300. Good! Then I invited Dan for a late lunch, we went to the Side Street. Pretty good place, american (quinnipiac) students love it! How would they love the Szimpla, Kuplung, Talléros, etc. places? Here the entertainment is so simple and at the same time professional. We could learn a lot how to serve people!
Sunday. Big lesson: how to bind a car insurance policy without your actual driving license. I dont write down the process, but easy. (If you are a reader and know me, you can imagine it is true or not. I will not red-pencil it!) For your information: american insurance companies prefer a american driving license. They cannot track your international driving license. Good for you, because if they cancel your american license, you still can drive legally:) Bad for you, because you have to pay premium for this gap...

Pictures are coming as the second part of my car's story!!!!

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