Tuesday, June 11, 2013

05.06 - 05.12 - Bence's Graduation

From May 6th to May 9th (M-Th) I worked at Soundview Capital and I was so excited because my mother came on Friday. I tried to clean up my room and actually I did clean my living room, bathroom and hoover the carpet in the bedroom. I mother arrived at 3:55PM and I arrived to JFK at 4:26PM and was not sure where I will find her, but I was calm because I had my phone fully charged filled with money. The way to JFK was sometimes slow but didn't hit the rush luckily (however it was supposed to be the rush hour). I parked down my car on the 4th floor of the garage and went into the arrival level. I found the display and showed that my mother's plane landed on time, so she was about to cross the security checkpoint and claim her luggage and then find me at the gate.
Everybody came out, even the captain and his crew left. My mother was nowhere. I checked my phone and there was no coverage. Sh*t, i gotta get a phone. There were landlines phones on the wall but those needed change. I had none. When I stood into the line at a tobacco shop, i just glimpsed my mother!!!! She made to America!!!!

Then we went home and a nice dinner waited my mom (tilapia bu Bence) and then we went to sleep. On the next day we had some shopping to do, showed my mom around on campus too. I got a new suit, tie, shirt from my mom for my graduation. I like it, look great:) At Saturday night I prepared a little bit for the next big day. In the morning I took Jing to the ceremony too, and hung out with our friends. In the meantime Andris and Anya arrived. Jeffrey, Alley, Jing, Aziz, Marta, Ildi, Tim, Michael, Michael, Lauren, Chen, Maria, Neil, Garvey, and many more graduated!!! We got some nice group photos too!

After the ceremony we went up to the York Hill student center and had a nice reception. We got wonderful weather and company. I celebrated with my Mom, Andris, Jeffrey, Alley and their relatives at a country club. It was wonderful! I cannot describe how nice it was.

In the afternoon we hopped into the car and headed north to the Hammonasset beach and played on the sand a little bit and watched the sunset there too.
It's been a wonderful week! But the best was just yet to come:)

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