Tuesday, June 11, 2013

06.03 - 06.09 - UIL

I started working at United Illuminating Corporations or UIL Holding as an enterprise risk management intern. I work full time on this project and am having a great time with my boss since the first day.

I am sitting in a cubicle that has no window and surrounded by three walls:) My bosses boss reports to the CEO and only my direct boss and I are working on this confidential project. Nobody, even my bosses boss has no access to the raw data! I love it!

I got pretty much free hands in a lot of things, can be creative and creator/organizer as well at the same time. I will have a lot to take away on one day from this company. I also learnt a lot about Enterprise Risk Management and ERA (Enterprise Risk Assessment), as well as BCP (business continuity planning). Wonderful stuff that you can use in any kinds of business.

I am looking forward to accomplish this mission!

Great to meeting you, Charles!

05.27 - 06.02 - Texas

05.20 - 05.26 - Labrador, New Foundland

05.13 - 05.19 - NYC, Boston, D.C., Philly, Niagara

In one week I took my mom to Boston, Cambridge, Niagara Falls, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and New York. It was 1759 miles (2814 km) not counting the local driving, altogether it was probably more than 3000 km-s.

Nagyobb térképre váltás
Hamden-Cambridge-Boston-Niagara Falls (Canada)-Hamden-Philadelphia-Washington D.C.-Hamden-New York

Monday-Tuesday: Boston, Cambridge, Niagara Falls (Canada)
Wednesday: local fun, dinner with Jeffrey and Alley
Thursday-Friday: Philadelphia, Washington
Saturday: dealing with my car (on my birthday it broke down on the highway)
Sunday: New York (meeting and sightseeing with Erna)

See you Anya and Erna!
I miss you Floram!

Will be there soon!