Thursday, May 2, 2013

04.25 - 04.28 - BBQ Party

After returning from Germany we organized the season's biggest, first and best BBQ party.
We (Andras and I) have been told many times how great this party was. Who didn't come missed a lot!

We started the BBQ at 6PM, however, I started preparing the deer burgers at 9AM. I got a secret recipe from Alley so it guided me how to make the best deer burger ever. Actually, this was my first hand made burger as well. I mixed deer, bacon, onion, garlic, cheese, egg, breadcrumb and a secret seasoning together and put it back to the fridge for couple hours to let the ingredients meet each other very well.

Then Andris arrived around four and we went for shopping. We got buns, plastic cutlery, beer, soda, vegetables, etc. Arrived around 5:30PM and started preparing for the party. I arranged the three grills earlier  and we just moved the benches around the grills. We expected around 22 people. 

Jing was the first who came and helped me cleaning the grill and arrange everything. Then Marti and Kriszti arrived. Everybody brought something on the table. Then more and more people showed up a bit after 6:10PM. Around 8PM we reached the maximum number of guest. We were 24. WOW!

Read this international list of participants: 
- Chinese
- Indian
- Polish
- Mongolian
- American
- Hungarian
- Turkish

And here are couple photos. Thanks Siyu for the pix!

Eric, Rajesh, Vinny, Daria, Marta, Chen

Andris, Aziz, Marta

The scene

Rajesh, Will, Chen, Daria

The burger was eventually ready, it looked like the time during the Great Irish Hunger when I served the first round. Siyu couln't wait so she ordered two pizzas as well from Papa Jones. They were great too. Thanks. We got wine, beer, salad, bread, pizza, palinka, more beer, cheese cake and who remembers:) Everybody contributed somehow. We supplied the coal (anthracite from Centralia - it didn't want to burn at all) , beer, soda, buns, ketchup, mustard, meet (deer, chicken, fish), plates, glasses and the cutlery.

Bence and Siyu

Marta, Siyu, Olivia, Marti, Kriszti

my first deer thanks to Jeffrey
it made me enable to feed 24 people with great quality food
the bullet - the picture - the antlers
wonderful memory with multiple stories 

girls are warming up at the grill - Andris is checking the chicken (he grill the chicken)

Tibi, Marti, Kriszti, Andris, Eric, Rajesh, Jeffrey, Marta, Vinny, Bence
First round of palinka

Standing from the left to the right:
Tibi, Marti, Andris, Kriszti, Kati, Barna, Eric, Marta, Chen, Rajesh, Daria, JIng, Kathline, Olivia
Sitting from the left to the right:
Bence, Vinny, Jeffrey, Will

Who are missing from the picture:
Frank, Bill, Yueying, Ya-Chu, Siyu, and I may forgot somebody (my apologize)
Alley really wanted to come but she was ill (acceptable excuse:). Xiao and Alley were with us in our minds anyway.

Thanks everyone for coming! Hope you enjoyed as much as I did with Andris.

Now it is time for the final weeks. Good luck everyone!
Two weeks and graduation...Unbelievable.


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