Saturday, February 9, 2013

01.28 - 02.03 - Wingbowl, Xiao's Farewell, Superbowl

I could write about my classes, but i save this topic for another week when nothing will happen. This week was as great as the Washington trip's week.
From Monday to Thursday afternoon i had a normal schedule, went to school on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and also worked at my new place, called Soundview Capital Solutions (
And then my crazy weekend began. After my Thursday night class I got home, spent some time on something but definitely not sleeping and at 12:30 in the morning (half past midnight) Andris and I jumped into his car and headed to Philadelphia.
WHY?? Because Andris got two tickets to the 21st Wingbowl ( This is a eating contest where professional eaters are competing against food, time and each other. The show started at 5AM, we arrived there at 4:10AM, picked up the tickets from a mailbox, then parked at the Wells Fargo stadium at 4:35AM. At 5 we went into the stadium and was looking at the girls who were teasing the crowd.
We felt wierd among those redneck type of American men mostly in their 50's. They looked so fucked-up, ridiculous. Later on we had to realize that we don't differ much from them:D:D Anyway. Around 6 in the morning 20,000 people were in the stadium. This event was sold-out! Crazy crowd! We were watching women, bodies, faces, tities, booties, asses, etc. Can you imagine 19,500 men teasing girls with their eyes until 500 women among them become so excited so they will show their tits to them?? This is exactly what happened:D
Just watch this and you will understand everything!

We didn't have time to watch the end of the eating competition. But I don't eat much compare to those guys. Believe me. I would be sick for a week after eating like hell.
We popped back to the car at 8:15AM and arrived back to Hamden at 11:03.
I had a business meeting with the CEENET staff at noon, so I took a shower, change my clothes and was driving towards Hartford. At 11:58AM I arrived to the restaurant. This meeting lasted about two hours, then drove back to the university where I had a conf call. Then around 5PM i took half an hour rest and at 6:30PM we had a farewell dinner for Xiao.
Ildi, Szabi, Aziz, Marta, Jing, Jeffrey, Alley, Andras, Xiao, Marta. 
We spent about 4 hours eating, and talking and then everybody went home. Most of us said goodbye to her. I did not. 
Xiao & Marti

Szabi (first time with us), Alley, Marta, Aziz who organised the event. 

We ordered family style that means Aziz ordered food for everbody and we shared each dish on the table. We had so much great food! We also tried a Turkish dessert, but i do not remember of its name. 

On Saturday afternoon I was invited to the Chinese New Year celebration. This is a big deal for outsiders. It was an honor for me. This event was wonderful! Great people, friends, yummy food and drinks. Thank you! It was a true cultural experience how my friends from another country celebrate their New Year, the year of the snake! I learnt so much about their customs. I am still amazed how they share everything they have, everybody is so eager to share his/her food, nobody is nervous, etc. It is slightly different from the European way. I'd like to celebrate our new year this way as well.
Eating hot and sour soup with chopsticks with Xiao. I am a very talented user of chopsticks. Many Chinese told me. And what really count is that it was not just that typical Chinese praise, they really meant it. I can even eat soup with chopsticks:) Handling steamed buns is no probleam at all:)

Ya-Chu is standing by me. The tallest girl, Yvonne, can make the best Chinese soup ever! This is the only way i am willing to eat tofu. Tofu and pourage are tough Chinese foods for me.

On Sunday I had to big events:
1. Hungarian lunch at Kati's place
2. Watching Superbowl 2013 at Andras's place

I am still working on collecting the pics from the Hungarian lunch. It was delicious food too! Kati made everything from scratch. We had ribs, and chicken breast made with either swiss cheese, zuccini, and something else. For sides we had smashed, hashed type of potatoes, beetroot-red cabbage-pomegranate salad (most yummy for me) and one more side that I just cannot recall the ingredients of. Anyway, we had a great time. I met Szabi who is Ildi's husband and Barna who is Kati's husband. I had been showed around in their houses. We got another new friend, Kriszti who spends a semester at QU. And of course, we had Evi (she showed us her new car, i accidentally broke down the arm of the window puller - i do not know its name:), Marti, Ildi, and Kati as well. I definitely was not sober when we arrived home and had to take a short nap before the Superbowl started.
Now we are at 6PM in time and the show started. So many people got together. I even had to move all my sofas to Andras's apartment in order to have enough space to everyone.
Bence, Kriszti, Xiao, Ya-Chu, Andris, Garvey, Jing and Garvey's girlfriend. Shame on me, but I forgot her name. I did not focus on the game rather on the fun part of it. I drunk a lot, so i had a lot of fun too!
This is the best ad from the Superbowl 2013:
I love it! Since then they got me and tried their taco. It is good stuff, plus they have dollar menu as well:)

Just to remind me what happened on the game here is a link:

NEMO is coming in the next stop soon!
Thanks for reading!

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