Thursday, January 24, 2013

12.21 - 01.21 - Winter break at home

About my month at home.
Dec.21. - Dec. 23. - Budapest
Dec.24. - Dec. 29. - Tarcal
Dec. 29. - Jan. 3. - Budapest
Jan. 3. - Jan. 12. - Debrecen
Jan. 12. - Jan. 14. - Tarcal
Jan. 14. - Jan. 21. - Budapest

Christmas, lunch, food, fish, aquaculture, Tarcal, spa, drinking, fun, alcohol, travelling, driving, walking, talking, meeting, sleeping, resting, planning, cooking, baking, celebrating, scheduling, pig slaughtering, drawing, framing, decorating, checking, found raising, focusing, reading, geocaching, Balaton, success, love, greatness, beer, wine, whiskey, plane, delay, arrival, greetings, presents, dinner, snow, holiday, Flora, Mom, Dad, my Brother, my Friends, Hungary, USA

That was my one month in Hungary!

Now I am back and full of energy and plans. We will be travelling a lot, so no worries you will have things to read:)

Let's get going!

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