Thursday, January 24, 2013

12.02 - 12.21 - Third semester ends, Christmas in the US

After we returned from the West Coast trip, a lot of things happened to me.
I know, i know that i am well behind of writing my blog. Sorry about that. I will keep up with this thing as well.
Right now, i just write some rows about the end of my third semester. I took my exams, got really good grades.
Two health care courses: A-
Managerial accounting: A
Statistics: A
After the exam week we went to Jeffrey's house to celebrate Christmas together (20+ people). We had a lot of fun and great time with friends! It was truly a great end of the semester. On the next day we went to New York to feel the Christmas buzz. OMG, nobody can imagine the crowd until he/she goes there. Every time i go to the city i have a special feeling. I do not know what it is, but it is the same all the time. Anyway, we crawled through the crowd and took some photos with the Christmas tree. We also went to Little Italy and the China Town we had a great lunch there. (I was so upset because of the Peking duck, they charged us $ 55 for two legs, two wings and some breast... that was a joke really.)

I worked until the end and said good bye to my colleagues. I also bought Christmas presents to everyone at home. I draw a beautiful picture of Flora, i could write a full post of the story of the picture alone, but i dont have time for that.
I spent the last time at Alley's place, left my car there and headed to home on December 20th. I flown through Paris with a double deck huge Airbus! Beautiful machine, incredible power and the strength of the law of physics. :)
Charles de Gaulle airport sucks, everything that was French sucked. Maybe i felt this because i was very tired, hungry, thirsty, sensitive. But i would reform, recreate, re... the whole French airport system and change the people's attitude there. I cannot accept that being French is the alpha and omega of the human kind! There is no Übermensch!
Then I landed at the Ferenc Liszt International Airport of Budapest. My family was waiting for me. It was also exciting how we met and how my airplane was scheduled. The reunion is just great all the time! We had a fine lunch and I met Flora at the Collegium. And my beautiful one month has just began in Hungary!

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