Tuesday, January 24, 2012

01.09-01.23 - second semester starts

I apologize not to write my blogspots on time. I lag behind updating my blog two weeks. While I am writing this spot, i sit on my old good american bed. I left my home country, Hungary, my friends, my family and my girlfriend again for five months. My last two weeks at home were spent similarly to other times at home: running my entrepreneur club with my friends, meeting friends, drinking alcohol, going out with my gf, being at home with my family, eating good homemade food. These key words are represent just the surface of the meanings of these actions. Doing these social acts makes me infinitely happy. I do not want to bore you with telling the places I have been during these two weeks. Rather I want to tell you the way i came back:)

The first thing you have to know is the departing time of my flight, it was 7:35 AM (UTC+1), Alitalia flight from Budapest to Milan. To reach my plane i had to be at the airport two hours before it starts. It means 5:35AM. My mother wanted to say goodbye at the airport, but from Tarcal to the airport the way takes around 3 hours, so we should have started at 2:00AM, go to my dormitory, pick up Anita and go to the airport. Hmm, it doesn't work. We had to be in hurry, the weather would have been a big lottery and everybody would have been nervous. So i figured out what if we could go up to Budapest on Saturday morning, spend a calm lunch together and say good bye pleasantly. It has happened. I went home on Friday night after finishing some stuff at Budapest, watched a hungarian-french handball match with my brother with some beers (btw we won), then we talked a lot about our future plans how we will change the world (the usual stuff). In the morning after the last family breakfast i put my package together in one hour and went to my grandparents to say goodbye. 10:17 AM (UTC+1) we started to go to Budapest. We had a great lunch in the Green Pub, Gödöllő. I ate smoked cheese soup in bread and the place's special second meal. It was awesome time! In the dormitory we took down my luggage in Anita's room and said goodbye to everyone, Mom, Dad and my Brother. See them in the summer!
After five minutes they left Anita came from squash. We made a cake (actually she did, i was the silent partner:) to the last Saturday house party. It was great, great, cool! We went home at 3AM and I got up at 8AM, because i had to meet with a friend of mine about serious business opportunity (probably i will have another hostel, dont tell anybody!!!!). We will see. Then i said goodbye to everyone in the dormitory and finalize my packages at night.
And the travelling day!! I and Anita got up at 3:50AM (UTC+1) our taxi came at 4:20 AM and we went to the Hungarian national airport. We arrived at 5:00AM, we said goodbye at 5:40 (it was hard again to leave Anita) and started to check-in. I boarded at 7:10 and left Budapest, Hungary at 7:35AM with a Malev Boeing 767 plane to Milan, Italy.
I landed at 9:25AM in Milan and started to check-in again to my second flight Milan-New York. It was my simplest check-in ever. Italians didn't give a shit who I was and what i have, there was no security check, nothing. Our big Alitalia (operated by Delta) plane took off at 10:35AM (UTC+1). I got a good seat in the middle section, exactly at the wings. The toilet was close, and i didn't have neighbors. It means i had place to lay down and try to sleep. It saved my life:) The first two hours were easy. Then you lose your time sense, fall in like a coma. (Bence, it calls jet lag. Fuck that, it is a trauma, a shock for your entire body and brain, not just a jet lag. Jet lag when you flight over two time zones not 6...!) So as it happened last time, it happened again. This feeling is similar the affect of an alcohol, you don't know where you are exactly, in which dimension, first you start to fly and then you start to get pain:D Not very cool, trust me:)
At 2:03 PM (UTC-5) (local time of departing zone 8:03 PM (UTC+1) i just landed. Huhh, land was under my legs again! Check-out process took more than one hour, custom checking, homeland security checking, fingerprints, baggage claim, etc. (I was nervous about my custom clearing, because i put a traditional garlic "bubble" into my pack, and to carry fruits, vegetables, other plants, soil, etc. stuff is strictly prohibited!!!! You gotta get kick in your ass! I checked the NO box at this question and prayed not to be caught by the law. I was lucky, there was no problem at all. I swear that I will never ever put plant or animal product into my package!
At 3:35 PM I called my reserved shuttle bus. 3:53 PM the driver came. His back was hurt and i had to put my luggage into the van (no tip for this jerk!). Since I came out from the airport I was in contact with Jeffrey. He drove down to Southport and left my car there. I will never travel by shuttle. This service is just a big sucks. My travelguests were 4 Indians, one Chinese, an Afro-American couple and a Caucasian man (for those who don't know why i wrote Caucasian, this is the official terminology of white looking people, i hope it was correct in any way). Of course i was almost the last guest who was served. We arrived to the Grand Central at 5:35 PM (11:25 PM Hungarian local time), i took out my luggage, said goodbye the driver, no tip, of course (it was a lucky situation that the driver's back was hurt, it was a good reason not to give a tip, but i couldn't give any tips because i didn't have $ in cash:)). In the Grand Central i bought my train ticket, one way peak-time ticket to Southport is 15$. I got on to the train New Haven, departure time 5:48 PM. I found place for my luggage. And traveled more than one hour, got off at 6:55 PM (00:55 AM Hungarian time). My finance class started at 6:30 PM in the School of Business (SOB121 room). OK, i was in Southport and I had to find my car, i folloed Jeffrey's itinerary and found my little Honda Civic. I was a little bit shocked when its door was open. But nothing was missed, the muffler was still on the back seat and my GPS in the glove compartment. I dropped my two luggage into the trunk and switched the ignition. I looked around, i was in the middle of nowhere, it was raining like crazy, 30 centimeters snow was everywhere, i didn't see much because of the fog and my windshield was covered immediately by breath. OMG! How did I feel? I was thirsty (i drunk 4 hours ago), hungry, exhausted and a little bit smelly. It was not an ideal situation to take a ride home, but i turned on the volume of my radio so loudly (KC101 station) and started. I followed the instruction of my GPS, sometimes I almost missed the exits, just because i didn't see them. On the highway my average speed was around 50 MPH and sometimes 30 MPH. But i made it!!!!
And arrived to my first class in the spring semester 2012, SOB121 - Finance class at 7:46 PM. The class usually takes until 9:10 but yesterday it finished at 8:00 PM, so i spent 14 minutes on it:). It was 2 AM in Hungary and when i finally arrived home (Whitney Village), it was almost 3 AM in Hungarian local time.
I finished my long trip, it took 23 hours from door to door!
It is time to start my second semester! Welcome back!

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