Sunday, January 8, 2012

01.02-01.08 - Winter break

One more week has just gone. I am still in Tarcal and go back to Budapest tomorrow afternoon. I only have two more weeks in Hungary. My Hungarian friends always ask me about whether i am missing my country and them. Of course, i am! My American friends ask me the same too, whether i miss the US and them. Of course, i do. One hand this is a strange feeling, other hand this is my honor because it says there are some people to whom i am important. And this is a great feeling!
I start this post at the New Year's party. Finally with Anita we decided to go our friends' apartment to celebrate New Year. It was an excellent party. We were some 20 there, most of them i knew previously, but i met some new friends. I carried some hurka (hungarian sausage specialty with liver or blood) and some kolbász (hungarian sausage) and we fried them. In Hungary at New Year's time, mustn't eat fish or chicken just pork! Fish swims away with your luck and chicken scratches it, so the only one lucky animal is the pig. It dig out your luck for the next year. Of course, we drank some champagne but because it is a must we drank pálinka (hungarian spirit), wine and beer as well. We had fun, danced, laughed and had everything which comes with fun. Our way back home was exciting we had to travel by tram and other public transportation. At four in the morning Budapest looked like Napoli (Italy) after a drug-cartel war, everywhere was covered with rubbish, drunk people were all around you, policemen were marching on the street, some drunk yuppies threw them with bottles of champagne. It was a mess.
(On 30th of December we went to ice-skating to the biggest renewed ice-skate park in Budapest. After the first round i was totally upset and almost gave up it at all, but finally we had great time, i didn't break my legs and arms, so it was fine. Then we drank some hot wine and ate some pizza.)
I organized our entrepreneur club again, first time in 2012 on 3th of January. We were eight and spent seven and half hours together from 9pm to 4:30am. It was a long-long (longest ever) session, but we talked about very interesting things. We agreed on that we meet again same time next week.
4th of January was a big day. Two years anniversary together with Anita. Two-roses, bence-made anniversary food, wine, and theater. I gotta tell you the performance was far the worst i have ever seen in my life. But Anita told me we will never forget this time. :D
National Theater (beautiful, breathtaking building)
I am home with my family again. It is snowing. 
I dont know where my camera-cable is, so more pictures will come later!

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