Tuesday, April 9, 2013

03.25 - 03.31 - Easter 2013

Easter Time

We have spent the Easter in PA. But don't run there too fast.

Couple fishing stories of the year so far.

I went to the campus for fishing on Easter Friday. Jing came with me.
In the background there was a baseball game going on. Couple people came what we are doing here.
It was hilarious.

With a small large-mouth bass.

Jing also caught 5 fish. I was happy that he had success too! First time in this life that he caught fish with hook on his own.

Then we went to the small river next to the campus and look what I've caught. I nice trout. First in the season.


Then a week after I went to fish here too.
This is the result:
In 1.5 hours right before my capstone class ETS test. 

I caught 3 white suckers each weighted almost three pounds.

Not bad:)

I was thrilled. I caught three huge fish from the small river!!!!

Look at them!


On Wednesday I went back. I caught and released her.
Here is the video of it:

I try to post photos of the PA Easter too.


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