Friday, March 29, 2013

03.18 - 03.24 - Amish and Atlantic City

This week was very busy too. On Friday we were hanging out at Jeffrey's place and then on Saturday a crazy journey started. Lasted 20 hours and took 640 miles in 15 hours.

At was my March Madness. 
Here is the itinerary:

Lancaster - Atlantic City nagyobb térképen való megjelenítése

So I went to bed at 2:30AM and got up at 6:45AM on Saturday. Jumped into my car at 7:15AM and got to Whitney Village by 7:55AM. At 8AM I picked up Jing, Yvonne and Siyu and headed to Lancaster to check out the Amish Village before the Atlantic City QU hockey game. On Friday afternoon it turned out that QU lost against Brown so they played for the third place against Yale at 4PM instead of 7PM. That is why we had to leave so early.
By 12:45 we arrived to Lancaster to the Amish Village ( It is a wonderful place. It is a must see place.
What is Amish?
This is Amish: I could write a lot about them because it was interesting to me and learnt so much about their lives, but I do not want to bore you with this so I only mention couple things:
- they do not use electricity - they have to be seperate from the world and the world would come to their homes via internet and tv
- they only can learn eitght grades
- women cannot wear buttons, they use safety pin to make clothes
- colours of rooms: blue (sky/water), green (nature), white (purity)
- they are not allowed to drive a car or bike (they hire an English to drive them around)
- they do farming (mainly dairy products) and construction
- they invest all they have in property - NICE!
- they speak in Pennsylvanian Dutch
- they have many other crazy rules (to me the most important thing is that they have a lot of money, but the driver of their lives is not consumption)

Made by Amish 
Amish kitchen - power is generated byt either PB gas or compressed air. Even the lamps and the fridge

Amish shoes, in the left lower corner that is a pair of wedding boots of the bride
Amish clothing 
In the Amish 8 grade school. Everybody learns in the same classroom.  
Amish carriage 
Amish pickles

Girls are enjoying Amishtown:)

In the Amish Restaurant - all the waitresses were Amish women


Watch out, AMISH!

Yes, they are:)

Towards Atlantic-city
Crossing the bridge under Philadelphia, it meant that after almost two-hours traffic jam we are on the way

We missed the first third on the game, but...

...still saw how QU beat Yale:) Yuck Fale! If you know what i mean.

The team
After the game we went to the shore and then gambled in the Trumph casino. I made 5.14 from 5$ and Andris made 30.91 from 2.91$.

Many photos are still under collecting but this was the essence of this day.

At 9:08PM we left Atlantic-City and arrived home a bit after 1AM.

Driving almost 15 hours (1000km) on one day is definitely challenging. 

What a great day!


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