Saturday, September 15, 2012

09.04 - 09.09 - Farm tubing

I am sitting at Terminal A, Gate 11 of Bradley International Airport, which is the airport of Hartford, heading to Seattle to enjoy a one week Alaska cruising.
Now, I have a little time to write a post about my last week.
Lots of things happened to me again:)
1. I started to work at IntermerchantService on 4th of September as intern, am working on business development projects. The company is located in North Haven, that is quite close to my apartment (only 5 miles and 5 minutes away!). What they do is credit card processing, cash advance service and they are the distributor of the PhoneSwipe device that enables you to take any creditcards anywhere, anytime. If you are interested, have a look: or I am looking forward to help and work at IMS. It seems that I can have a deep insight on the credit card processing business.
On my first day at IMS
2. Andras and I went to play golf at a driving range near place close to us. That was my first time playing golf. Pretty cool! You just jump into your car after work and go out playing golf. On one day I will definitely have a driving range like this at home.
Andris while playing golf 
Golf court crossing wild turkey family:D 
Before we went to the gym, we decided to have a drink so we said hi to Jack Daniel from two Kentucky bourbon whiskey glasses and then we....

3. The weekend was a lot of fun again!
We were on the farm, Jeffrey, Alley, Xiao and Adris. We BBQd, had a lot of good food, drove quads.

Lucy and me 
Xiao is fishing first time in her life at the small pond of the farm
YAY, my first american catfish! The bait was a naked (bare) snail:) 
A-Team - Xiao, me, Andris, Jeffrey 
 Bence is first time tubing!!
 That was ZSÍR! YAY!
 Xiao and Alley
 Bence in another position
 I am on boat! The BossHog! -For those of you who don't know this song:

Taking out the boat, that was the first day of the season. See you next year!
Thanks Jeffrey and Alley!

Next post is going to be about Alaska!
Check-in time to Minneapolis

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