Thursday, September 6, 2012

08.29 - 09.03 - Third semester starts

Alright guys, let us see what i study at this semester.
1. Accounting for Managers - i hope i will like it, the book was 200$ so it should be very helpful this is on Monday nights

2. Business Decision Analysis (Multivariable Statistics) - regression, hmm, nice. it has two be easy after knowing this field already, but who knows:) - book is in the same price range, plus you have to buy an online course access for 95$:)

3. Foundation of Health Care Management - inspired after my brother. It is very interesting, i could like it, but learning something just online is terrible. Maybe I should read through the syllabus...I know, I know, I am lazy.

4. Quality Management HC Facilities - it will be online in the second half of the semester. I am thrilled!
That is about school. I had the first two in-class classes and they should be ok, no problem.

Every night we went somewhere or did something. Oh, and we welcomed two new HABL students! So now our family increased by 50%!!!!
I got a new job. I work at IMS (InterMerchantService) in North Haven. They provide credit card processing, cash advance program and much more. It is a very interesting

We decided with Andras that we go to the Mammoth Cave National Park, then Memphis, Arkansas, and Huntsville (Alabama). We had three days to do it. We planned it for 2300 miles, it ended with 2500 miles in 78 hours. Yes, we had three because this Monday was the Labor day that is a national holiday here. Xiao came with us and started our trip at 6pm on Friday. We arrived back on Monday midnight.

Here is our itinerary:
4000 km, 78 hours, CT-AK-MI-AL-CT circle
With this trip I have been to three new states and reach the number of 27! These are the following: Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama! Very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have our plan with Andras how we are going to reach every state of the USA, even Alaska and Hawaii!
Alaska will be checked very soon!:) And we will be travelling around on the west coast sometimes during this semester. So if you are interested you can read some good posts.

Here are some pictures where we were:
1st Bourbon Whiskey Distillery in Kentucky, older than Jim Beam 
 The shop
Glasses. My collection expanded by 6 new glasses

This is the South that I imagine 
 Ooops, the ferry didn't work because the river was almost dried up. On the other side there is the Mammoth Cave National Park entrance though... We had to go around, which took 42 minutes:D
In the cave, under the surface, on the Mammoth Cave Historic Tour. Did I mention that this cave system is the largest in the world? Yes, it is its length of 365 miles (more than 580 km). A huge sandstone cap did not let the water seep over the limestone and result the classic type of limestone cave with stalagmites and stalactites. Indeed, the water came from the side, dug horizontal tunnels and huge pits on five levels, drifted the dirt away and created this unique cave, the so called Mammoth Cave. 
Sometimes it got narrow and low, made the tour more exciting.  
 Just to let you know 28 people died in that cave, the last one was in last September, a year ago. The main reason of death is heart failure. "People just came down who should not have..." - said the tour guide. The most famous story is the guy who have been buried 5 times already. Also there is a book about his life. His name is Floyd Collins - Incredible story.
As I said it got worse sometimes:) 
 At the historical entrance where in 1935 it was rediscovered again after several thousand years.
 Chasing Isaac:D - the hurrican
 The moment before fell down of the log and almost broke my knee...Stupid Bence. Really It was a scary situation. When I was falling down I hit my right knee two times and heard some kind of cracking and I thought, shit that was my knee!!!! But when I reached the ground, I realized that I can stand up, so it could not be a serious problem. It was not serious, but I am still barely able to walk. My knee hurts sometimes really bad. Anyway. It was fun and totally worth it. (I mean falling down was worth it:) Then I sat on the back seat and was treated by Xiao and even Andras:) Every time we stopped for gas or food I asked some ice and put it on my knee. The accident happened on Saturday and on Monday I was driving for 5 hours. What can I say? Life is fun!
It was a lovely diner! The best service I have ever got.  
 Nice!!! Wild turkey! The hunting season I think is due now.:D
 The home of Elvis Presley

Elvis's Mansion

Kitchen from the '60-s, fully equipped.

Elvis loved mirrors, those are everywhere in the house. The ceiling and even walls are covered with mirrors. The reason is double. First, you can optically extend your space. Second, you can enjoy yourself watching in the mirror, so everywhere. Not bad idea at all:D
With the King
The pool room, looks cool!!!!
The so called jungle room covered by couple dozens different types of wood
Ohh, just not to forget this: every I mean EVERY room has a bar in it!
What he just accomplished
Stutz Blackhawk '71- the toughest car
Elvis Mom's car - 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood Series 60
On Lisa Marie - named after her daugher
For more information, please visit the following website:
@ the Martin Luther King memorial place, where was actually shot
Founding the National Civil Right Museum just cannot prove the effort he made
Alright! Rock and Roll! Crossing the Mississippi, arriving to Arkansas!
The journey continued on south, crossing Mississippi
Sweet home Alabama!
This is just a nice shot before getting into a serious thunderstorm, every night we were either in the prehurrican zone or actually in Isaac or just found couple other unknown storms:) 
The name says it all! - dedicated for Prof. Christopher Ball - HABL greetings from the UAH!
(University of Alabama Huntsville)


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