Sunday, December 11, 2011

12.05-12.11 - Beach in winter

My first semester is almost over. What do I feel? Hmm, it was short. OK, that is enough emotion.
This week was crazy. Tuesday: case study class - nothing to prepare for it. But I had a lot of stuff to do Wednesday. After the case study class we held a short meeting about the business communication presentation due on Wednesday. Good. Before I went to sleep I finished my presentation from marketing about the Target corporation's promotional mix. I sent it to my group-mate. Then I fell asleep. Good. During the night everybody from the business communication group made and sent his/her part to me. Good. So I got up at 5 to put the four parts together and finalize it. Good. 11am we were presenting! I think both team did a good job. This class is over. Good. Then I came back to start making our business ethics presentation. (I wrote my part on Tuesday) We presented at 6:30 and of course we were ready and prepared for it. As we thought the professor liked the topic. We wrote a case study about the red sludge catastrophe, happened on the 4th of Oct, 2010.
As we do it every week after the business ethics class we went out to eat at a restaurant. This week the destination was the PLAN-B restaurant. Hmm. That place was awesome. We ate their special burger and drunk a some kind of Black lager crafted beer. After it we were in the Heaven, absolutely on full. Suffering from food coma. I love that feeling:D
Thursday is the marketing day, i was a bit worried about our presentation so i prepared for it. But before one hour the class I knew that we will not present this week. Oh cool! So I just sat on the class as a coach potato and listened carefully for the others who presented.
Annndddd! I sat into my little Honda around noon and went to the East Haven shore. That place was beautiful. That was my first time on the shore out of the season. It is just 20 minutes from Whitney Village. The weather was fantastic, i walked up and down on the shore, collected some shells and snails and took so many pictures.
Friday, I had to start to write my ethical point of view reflection paper, the deadline was Saturday night. 10 pages, at least 10 references, APA style, serious paper and it counts 30% of the final grade. I wrote 4 pages on that day. At night we planned to workout. OK, so we dressed up for it, and at the gym we faced with the following sign: Appreciation Night - The gym is closed at 7:30. We were at 8:03pm. Good. We got mad and went to the Taco Bell and ordered 4 tacos. We ate it so finally calmed down and worked out our metabolism systems:D
Saturday was a long-long day. But according to my schedule I finished my paper and sent to the professor! Good! Ethics is done.
Sunday: it is time for the next project - to prepare for the final exam of the case study class. Get ready about the Starbucks story.
Here the Santa Claus is not a big deal. Thus, i didn't feel that Mikulás was came through our chimney (maybe it happened or not happened because of the lack of our chimney:D) Anyway I have 8 more days to spend here for the first semester.

And some pictures from the shore:


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