Saturday, January 11, 2014

12.02 - 12.08 - NYC Christmas

the flower market in nyc

 i visited Juli and Miki in the city
Christmas Markets

wood ties from recycled materials from a southern Californian construction for $40 cash $45 credit card
i was shocked!
but what a margin:)

recycled spirit bottles from southern California 
$30 a bottle? ooh sweet deal! 

church turned into a hip fashion store

it was a hardcore disco before with a lot of crackheads

now it is a piece of art


rich vegetable soup is being made in a team spirit

with a big load of mushrooms


warming up for the night


with a Connecticut pine tree

an insane portion of Indian lentil soup is cooking on the fire

bon appetite 

Thank you, Juli and Miki! What a great weekend it was again:)

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