Thursday, November 7, 2013

10.28 - 11.03 - Halloween

At Jeffrey's house

At QU with other non-resident aliens

This became the best

QU ad by the Multicultural Office. They did not mention me though.
I want to learn how to use watermarks.

Since Flora left, i have been eating much healthier and three times a day. I even buy cage free farm raised eggs. It tastes so much better. 

I never know what is going to come out of the ingredients i have in my fridge.
I try to avoid cooking canned bean with onion, sardine and egg. It tastes as good as it sounds.

Thank you, Jing!

My second soup in my life! Corn cheddar pork soup with potato, celery and carrot. Was goood!

We also celebrated Kati's birthday. 
Eva, Ildiko, Szabi, Attila, Barna, Kati and me. 
I forgot to take a photo before others left.

Hunting season is yet to come:)

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