Monday, November 18, 2013

11.11 - 11.17 - Uncubed and Magyar Bal

Thursday, November 7, 2013

11.04 - 11.10 - BAT, Deer hunting and Firearms

Bloomberg Aptitude Test score: 550 - 89 pctl

I've taken the Bloomber Aptitude Test two weeks ago while I was sitting in my bed. I signed up and was surprised when a woman showed up on my screen asking me to show around the room and clean my desk, etc. Well, okay. I had two hours to answer 100 questions. "The BAT currently has these eight sections:[9] [News Analysis (12 questions), Economics (12 questions), Math Skills (14 questions), Analytical Reasoning (12 questions), Financial Statements Analysis (12 questions), Investment Banking (12 questions), Global Markets (14 questions), and Chart and Graph Analysis (12 questions)]." -

Here you can take the BAT exam. 
After i finished the exam i read about it what it was, etc. People actually prepare for it, i didn't.
It came out pretty good.:)
I wish i looked through my finance equations and functions. 
89th percentile is not bad.

On the way home a truck in front of us hit a huge deer. The deer run into the woods but I smelt it from the road and also heard him dying, just could not check it in the dark. It is how most people die in hunting, a wounded buck kill them with his antlers. 
So on the next day I went back and checked it out:
14 points deer
I've not seen a deer like this.
It is too bad I could not get the antlers.

This is how close it was to the road. It damaged the front of the truck. 
It could have killed me probably if it happened to my car.

On Friday and Saturday I was hunting with Jeffrey on the farm. It was great however we did not shoot anything. There are still a lot of leaves on the trees and the brush is also thick. We missed a deer because the bullet hit a small branch. We did not see or hear the deer until it was right there. It's quite amazing how silent these animals are.
Friday afternoon on the stand

Making s'mores over the fire

Eating ice cream after visiting the Cabela's 
The BEST shopping experience you can ever get!

at the gun library

1/6 of the gun section or even smaller portion of it
it was just huge!
my favorite one was a pink shotgun
i've to get my daughter goin'

after destroying a brand new broom i am giving a hair cut to it
i can fix everything

Leaving in the morning

The gun is ready


This is the spot where the buck jumped back after the shot and run away. We were so close to get it.

This is where the buck marks its territory and you can smell its scent as well.

Bow stand on the tree

Sipping double espresso without sugar or milk at the fire pit after morning hunting.
I felt pretty cold eventually.

I was sitting almost in the fire.

The magic table

Saturday afternoon with a handgun as well. 

The hunters

Firing up the beehive oven to bake pizza in it for the first time in my life

Loaded with dough and coal

Getting there

Alley made some edible dinner fortunately

Even though it looks delicious it went bad, so bad, I cannot tell you how bad it was.
I had to through into the garbage because the bottom was burnt. Never put the coal underneath your tray. time will be much better:)
It was a lot of fun though:) I could write a whole post about it alone!

After arriving home from hunting we went to shooting ranch. John promised that he is going to take us shooting. After a year or so the dream came true. 
Andras, Nicole, Jeff (the pro), John, and Bence

The spot

I do not know exactly the made of the guns so now here are only the pictures.

We have shot with 10 different guns. 

Original WWII gun from his grandfather
It sounded like hell. Huge respect for the vets! I mean HUGE!

150 yards

The WWII gun was the most serious gun. It was freaking laud. 

Jeff is a pro and trains kids for missions going to Irac and Afghanistan
This is just A safe for his guns.

In the back there is the ammo cupboard.

Andras, Jeff, John, Nicole and Bence

John with the WWII veteran

Nicole is shooting


It was a lot of fun! Thanks John and Jeff!

10.28 - 11.03 - Halloween

At Jeffrey's house

At QU with other non-resident aliens

This became the best

QU ad by the Multicultural Office. They did not mention me though.
I want to learn how to use watermarks.

Since Flora left, i have been eating much healthier and three times a day. I even buy cage free farm raised eggs. It tastes so much better. 

I never know what is going to come out of the ingredients i have in my fridge.
I try to avoid cooking canned bean with onion, sardine and egg. It tastes as good as it sounds.

Thank you, Jing!

My second soup in my life! Corn cheddar pork soup with potato, celery and carrot. Was goood!

We also celebrated Kati's birthday. 
Eva, Ildiko, Szabi, Attila, Barna, Kati and me. 
I forgot to take a photo before others left.

Hunting season is yet to come:)