Sunday, October 6, 2013

09.16 - 09.22 - Honorary consul inaguration

This was left out from the NY weekend. Flora and I organized a small BBQ party for everybody. Flora is preparing the delicious salad.

We got a nice crowd:
Attila, Dani, Barna, Kati, Andris, Marti, Flora and bence
Thanks everybody! 

We also celebrated Attila's birthday. 
Waving Flora goodbye was not easy and I miss her a lot. She arrived home in safe and got a job at a great law firm. Everything goes well on the Hungarian frontier as well.

In the meantime in Connecticut big thing happened to our community.
Professor Christopher Ball was inaugurated as Connecticut's Honorary Consull of Hungary. The ceremony was on Thursday I believe. Chris held his best speech ever. It was just fantastic!
Congratulations to you, Chris!!

Christopher Ball

Ambassador Karoly Dan is holding his speech to Chris with the Hungarian-American scouts in the back

Attila, Kati, bence, Ildiko, Eva, Chris, Hanna


Since Flora left I keep eating well and feed myself with good stuff. 

This is a decent size largemouth bass. It was a fun fishing:)

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