Thursday, September 5, 2013

08.26 - 09.01 - Nicaragua

Nagyobb térképre váltás

As I wrote after we arrived to Nicaragua and met Aida and Oscar we had a nice dinner in a local restaurant. The food is just wow!! I love every piece of it. The best is the fried cheese and the fried plantain (banana type used for cooking) and any kinds of meat. I also like the Tona Nicaraguan beer (
After this we traveled to Leon and checked in the hotel. After couple minutes Jeffrey came and said: "Check your luggage, we just found a scorpion on my hat." The hat was on his head all times on the plane. The big question was how it got there? We have been told that this kind of scorpion does not live in that part of Nicaragua. It came from the Bahamas, but how? Anyway we checked our luggage and found nothing.

After this I pulled down my shoes and saw the red line is coming up on my right foot. Holy sh*t! It was around 2 in the morning and i just got blood infection. Nice, you can die in it. So I told Jeffrey and Alley that we have to do something. It is serious. Oscar is a medical doctor and he came to see my wound. I was freaked out:) and wanted to get a tetanus for sure. After half an hour he calmed me down arguing that there is no need for tetanus just a local antibiotics. I said ok, but didn't sleep well at all:) On the next morning it almost disappeared. The wound came from a coral reef that hurt my foot and in the salt water it couldn't heal so it got bigger, nastier and finally the blood infection:)

I also got bitten by a big myriapoda:, the mandible ( was 1.5 cm wide, around half inch wide. It must have been big. I was sleeping and on the next morning I felt my head dizzy and I looked at my right fist and at my thumb it was all swelled. And I pointed out the two leaking holes on my finger. I supposed a big spider bit me. Angela told me it was probably a huge myriapoda. It was not a great feeling to realize that something bit me while I was sleeping in my bed. We had no other incident with insects. You really got to be careful on a remote island which is 2 hours away from the nearest hospital by plane.

So anyway after the first night we started discovering Nicaragua!

First night dinner with Oscar and Aida

Changing money at a certified moving ATM and exchange office. He legally worked for the bank and carried a ton of cash on him. He said never had any problem, he has been taking care of:)


On the way to Granada we saw people selling Iguana for 1$ and tatu for 2$

Holding my first tatu:)

This is how people are selling wild-caught animals on the road

This is another fantastic invention: mobile-jail

Volcan Mombacho with our guide, it was the steepest road I've ever gone. Four wheel drive was struggling to go up there.

On the peak

This is Lake Granada and all the islands are part of the blown-up peak of the volcano.

I used to give this flower to my mom and now I saw it in its original climate.

72 different species grow on this one tree. Amazing!

The whole mountain split and we were walking through it.

This is a tarantella hole

This is a sulfur fumarole showing that it was an active volcano some days

Here is sloth

Sloth and us:)

Flora is at Cafe Las Flores

Jeffrey and Flora

Flora and me

The girls:)

On the way to Mombacho people are so poor. They live in very modest conditions, however, they were the happiest people I bet. 


Traveling local

In Masaya we visited the biggest hammock factory where blind or other disabled people make the hammocks.

This is the world recorder hammock, it can fit 27 people

With our hammock for two people! So cool! So comfortable!

Jeffrey and Alley in their hammock

This is it! Outside two guys came to us and said "Buy hammock", i asked them about the price they said $10. It was made of nylon, i doubt it is strong enough the one guy challenged me if i can tear the line i can have the hammock for free. I was up to it and tore the line.:) I said, give me the hammock he refused and i told him not to play such a game. Then I said i pay $5 per piece he refused, i said ok and left with the car, they were running after us and shouting okay, okay! I bought two hammocks through the window. It felt great!

This is the hotel in Leon.

with a nice pool

We were also climbing Cerro Negro 
It is an active volcano the last eruption was three months ago. 

Iguana farm

lots of them

On old cowboy was cooking something and we visited his kitchen

like this

thank you!

Tailoring the famous Nicaraguan chair

The Cerro Negro

Going up

it was ridiculously steep

we made it!

climbing on the ring

on the top, the rocks were super hot and smoke was coming out of it

Flora is sitting on the top

I am sitting on the top

Jeff and I are standing on the top

Flora and Bence

too small 

running down on the side in the ash

very steep

extremely steep


the dust line

market in Jinotega

the hotel in Jinotega which is the coffee capital of Nicaragua


Pancho or Chicko our driver 24/7

the hotel garden

at the first coffee trader and roaster

local banana

"all in one hand" as they said:)

Jinotega main street

morning view



jinotega cathedral

this is how kids learn about aggregation

where the next saint is going to be

he is on the long way to become a saint

with kids 

on their donkey or horse

going to the Kilimanjaro coffee farm

with the coffee bush

Flora is with the coffee

They plant banana trees among the coffee rows to provide shade

just arrived

"We can host small group of tourists."









checking out the entire processing flow of coffee cleaning
row beans - so called golden beans

Flora with the coffee

they use water mill to produce electricity



the delicious food, the plantain was the best

before the horseride

on the horseride
I had trouble with my horse. It wanted to die out below me. Sometimes it stopped and didn't want to move, etc. I did not feel so great on the horse:)

the little pond

and the sledge


with the boss

with the little boss




drinking local strawberry-like ugly drink

beautiful young girl

Jeffrey is calling international for a business meeting:)

cool cheese stand!

Smirnoff is there also

Buying food from the street. It was yummy.

Bence and the horse

Sliding down

Flora is running down on the Cerro Negro

Flora ziplining

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