Friday, March 29, 2013

03.18 - 03.24 - Amish and Atlantic City

This week was very busy too. On Friday we were hanging out at Jeffrey's place and then on Saturday a crazy journey started. Lasted 20 hours and took 640 miles in 15 hours.

At was my March Madness. 
Here is the itinerary:

Lancaster - Atlantic City nagyobb térképen való megjelenítése

So I went to bed at 2:30AM and got up at 6:45AM on Saturday. Jumped into my car at 7:15AM and got to Whitney Village by 7:55AM. At 8AM I picked up Jing, Yvonne and Siyu and headed to Lancaster to check out the Amish Village before the Atlantic City QU hockey game. On Friday afternoon it turned out that QU lost against Brown so they played for the third place against Yale at 4PM instead of 7PM. That is why we had to leave so early.
By 12:45 we arrived to Lancaster to the Amish Village ( It is a wonderful place. It is a must see place.
What is Amish?
This is Amish: I could write a lot about them because it was interesting to me and learnt so much about their lives, but I do not want to bore you with this so I only mention couple things:
- they do not use electricity - they have to be seperate from the world and the world would come to their homes via internet and tv
- they only can learn eitght grades
- women cannot wear buttons, they use safety pin to make clothes
- colours of rooms: blue (sky/water), green (nature), white (purity)
- they are not allowed to drive a car or bike (they hire an English to drive them around)
- they do farming (mainly dairy products) and construction
- they invest all they have in property - NICE!
- they speak in Pennsylvanian Dutch
- they have many other crazy rules (to me the most important thing is that they have a lot of money, but the driver of their lives is not consumption)

Made by Amish 
Amish kitchen - power is generated byt either PB gas or compressed air. Even the lamps and the fridge

Amish shoes, in the left lower corner that is a pair of wedding boots of the bride
Amish clothing 
In the Amish 8 grade school. Everybody learns in the same classroom.  
Amish carriage 
Amish pickles

Girls are enjoying Amishtown:)

In the Amish Restaurant - all the waitresses were Amish women


Watch out, AMISH!

Yes, they are:)

Towards Atlantic-city
Crossing the bridge under Philadelphia, it meant that after almost two-hours traffic jam we are on the way

We missed the first third on the game, but...

...still saw how QU beat Yale:) Yuck Fale! If you know what i mean.

The team
After the game we went to the shore and then gambled in the Trumph casino. I made 5.14 from 5$ and Andris made 30.91 from 2.91$.

Many photos are still under collecting but this was the essence of this day.

At 9:08PM we left Atlantic-City and arrived home a bit after 1AM.

Driving almost 15 hours (1000km) on one day is definitely challenging. 

What a great day!


03.11 - 03.17 - Martha's Vineyard

This was the spring break week when everybody went to Florida, but us. We have been there and seen much more than those who just go to Fort Lauderdale or Miami. But that is another story, it happened to us exactly a year ago. Holy crab! Time passes by so quickly not mentioning that in six weeks I will graduate from a two MBA program.
On this week I worked full time to boost up my financial reserves for later time when I will take a week off after my graduation. Cannot wait:) 40 hours is a lot of time...believe me, i have to get used to it again.

This weekend was also a great adventure. We have made it to Martha's Vineyard. This is the biggest island on the East Coast and the most expensive place to stay and take a holiday. In order to get there of course you have to take the ferry. When we talked to anybody here about this trip, they wished good luck and told us there is no such thing, cheap Martha's Vineyard. However, it was one of the best trips for our pockets as well.

Martha`s Vineyard nagyobb térképen való megjelenítése

Distance: 540 miles - 868 km
Time spent: two days

Andris with Laci Sandor (one of our Alumni at MCC who is doing his PhD at Harvard in economics)
We met in Boston for a breakfast, talked about the world, Hungary, China, how things are going. This was the first time I talked to Laci, and I was fascinated by his sharp brain. Not a surprise that he is a Harvard PhD guy. 

This is the other end of the table:) Hungary-China axis. Jing, Qian (Sziszi) and Bence. After Boston we were heading to the Minute Man National Historical Park

Why is it interesting? This was the opening battle of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775 at the North Bridge.

At the North Bridge with the Minute Man sculpture 
 On the battlefield
Minute men represented the elite of a town's militia. They  were the most physically fit, and the best equipped and trained. Ready at a moment's notice, they earned the name minute men. While militia service was mandatory, minute companies were raised by volunteer.
Here is the deal. 1. We didn't eat. 2. Bence was so hungry. 3. Jing brought pig feet he cooked. 4. Bence had to feed himself on the trunk of the Kia in the center of the city. 5. We have almost missed the ferry as Andris noticed us, so I had to finish the pigfeet in the car. If Bence is hungry, you must let him eat.:)
Seriously, in the big planning we misread the ferry schedule and almost missed the last one. Andris was speeding a "bit" to get us on track again. Kia is on the ferry. First time with a car on a ferry for me. It was exciting:) Look at the middle lane, a huge Stop&Shop truck with full of supply is going to the island. It was quite hard to believe that everything has been brought to the island by ferry or ships. WOW! 

Towards Martha's Vineyard. 
Half way through the island. 
On the ferry. 
After we arrived, we checked-in the hotel and then went to explore the island. We spent a night on the east end of the island, so we wanted to check what on the west end is.  
This is the west end of it. The view was wonderful. And the shore belonged to the native tribe as you can see on the sign above. 

There is not much to say about this. Atlantic-ocean sunset. 
This was Bence's madness. Again. When I see water, i have to go into it. When i see a higher point i must climb on it. Tadamm: combination of goods. I cannot describe how slippery the rock was and how the waves were coming because of the high-tide:) But, i succeeded. 
I will have a boat like this one day. It was not an easy climb, nor allowed but even more worthy:) 

The adventurer 
The photographer:) We were trailing to the shore that didn't belong to the tribe. 
Dedicated to Flora! 
What is going to happen?
First time in the ocean in 2013
It was damn cold though:) 
Bay Watch - the view was breathtaking 
I am sure there is a reason why I put this photo here. Maybe:) 
With the oldest tree on Martha's Vineyard. 
Another lighthous
Sziszi and Jing at the lighthouse 
And here is the dinner at The Wharf. 
 Sea Platter with stuffed breaded jumbo shrimp, scallops, breaded wild cod and fries. 
As we were drinking beer in a bar after dinner, Quinnipiac played against Cornell University and beat them 10-0. I was very surprised and first time i was interested in hockey. We all felt pride of our school.
I tried Offshore Nut Brown Ale, the only beer was made on Martha's Vineyard. 
By the way, we all drunk Nut Brown:) 
My bed, it was more of a stair than a bed:) It was quite an experience to sleep on/in it.

Our hotel was one of the most oldest and prominent ones. The Kelley House, built in 1742.

Towards the parking Andris with a rabbit. 
Sunrise on Martha's Vineyard 
On the ferry on the way back
I forgot. Why is Martha's Vineyard so interesting? Because of many things.
Did you know that there was the biggest deaf community in the US and they developed a unique sign language as well?'s_Vineyard
We stopped by at the Submarine Force Library & Museum in Groton. 
Because everybody does this...
... but not everybody does that:)
At the USS Nautilus

In the periscope room
Through the periscope 
Cadet cabin - it is like IKEA showroom, perfect space utilization 
Life was hard on a submarine
This hard

Eating in a Greek restaurant on the way to UCONN

On the Huskey at UCONN

Sziszi was guiding us around the campus and showed...

...her professor and faculty. UCONN is a behemoth. Sziszi's faculty building was 2x of our entire business school.

At Sziszi's building.

Thank you, Sziszi!
See you soon!
