Sunday, October 28, 2012

10.22 - 10.28 - China town, NYC

After a crazy weekend and another week I did not want to go anywhere, just wanted to spend some time on my own and catch up with many things I am well behind. But of course it didn't happen as I planned:)
On Monday night we got our grades of the Management Accounting midterm. Hmm, i was pretty sure that i did a good job, but when i looked at the paper i was a bit surprised: 98%. Everybody was happy about his/her grade but i asked myself how i lost twooooo points?? It turned out that I was not able to do a simple math, something like that: 1,000,000$ + 350,000$:) Anyway, of course, I was happy.
On Tuesday night i got my inferential statistics midterm grade, it showed 94% result. I made similar mistakes like I did at accounting. Eventually I am glad that I chose Ottawa and Montreal instead of staying home and study my ass off. It paid off.
On Wednesday night i checked my grade of the foundations of health care and i got to know that the overall grade of my course is 91%. I am satisfied with it, however, i invested much more energy into this course than into the other two combined.:)
After the accounting class we went to a super restaurant with Alley and Jeffrey and ate a lot of wonderful food creations. OMG, how was it possible to taste at least 14 different types of dishes?:) Only we were in that popular restaurant at that time and the staff was watching the TV, basically nobody was on the street as well. Incredible! Why? Because of this: 
Third presidential debate - 10/22/12

I went home and had to watch it. Look at Obama's gestures. He is a genius speaker, very structural, logical, easy to understand and follow, suggestive, etc. Romney is a great guy, but cannot compete against Obama at least in the third debate.
Romney had a better performance on the second and on the first one:
First Presidential Debate - 10/03/12
Second Presidential Debate - 10/16/12

I am not a big fan of politics in Hungary, because it is simply stupid and I don't want to be involved in it. Here, you can feel the difference. Those guys made me curious about the whole election. So I made a quick research on the net and found this:
It is very visual and interactive site, perfect for Bence to get the most info in the least time. Bloomberg Businessweek just released a issue about the whole election: Are You Better Off? 
I got to tell you that is a great newspaper. (Are You Better Off now than four years ago? - it is the very same question that everybody knows in Hungary from the last election...This meme has been originated from somewhere, and i have an idea where:)

After work on Wednesday I went to fish and broke my rod again, more precisely a big trout broke my rod, anyhow the result was a broken rod. So Bence was thinking of buying a new one or fixing the existing one. I thought let's check it out. I spent about an hour with investigating the damage and came up with the solution. Now I have a fixed rod that work just fine!!! I tried it out in action and proved its great condition. I caught 5 trouts (just counted I kept) and a nice dace. It made me happy:)

And here comes the fun part of this week. On Thursday night Xiao came over and we visited Jing's apartment. They invited me to New York on Friday. I didn't plan to go to New York at all, so everything was spontaneous. I immediately said YES! Hell yeah i want to go to NYC! 
So then we packed up our stuff and headed to Ya Chu's apartment where we spent the night. I baked the pizza for dinner and she made her well-known spicy-sour soup! It was very delicious. We guys (Jing and me) slept on the floor in the living room just like this:
Two grubs:) 

Xiao and Jing:) 
Rockefeller Tower 
Trump Tower 
For me Chinatown was the best part of the trip. We had lunch in a real Chinese Restaurant (Shanghai Cousin) We used just chopsticks and spoon. Xiao and Jing taught me how to eat just like a Chinese:)
I had soy bean milk with fried dough ($1 and $1.25) that they usually eat for breakfast, but Bence was so hungry so I had to have it:) Soy bean milk is silky, slightly sweet and very healthy (and cheap). Fried dough was similar to the Hungarian Langos dough, as Xiao recommended I tore it apart and dropped into the milk and then when it is tender you eat it:) We also had steam buns, wonton and noodles.
Then we went to the Chinese Market, where i spent more than an hour just walking around and watching Chinese food and other stuff. The best part was the fish market, carp, tilapia, barramundi, eel, crabs, muscles, squid, bluegill, trout, salmon, catfish, shark, and 20+ more species. It was just WOW! I could have spent a half day just at that section...:)
I had to realize that i love pretty much everything that is Chinese. Especially the food and my Chinese friends:)  
Here is another great product, it is originated from Taiwan (that is not part of China, and on the other hand it is) That is why I dont like politics:) So this is the so called bubble tea! It is amazing product, i fell in love immediately. Wikipedia:
In the afternoon we met Ya Chu and girls were shopping of course, in the meantime we were struggling with Jing:) At 6pm we took the megabus again to go home. It was a wonderful day. I fell asleep in my bed after we arrived. 

Right now we are preparing for the hit of Hurricane Sandy:)
Last year's Hurricane Irene in Hamden, watch and pray for us.

10.15 - 10.21 - Philly, Atlantic City, Cap May

After our midterm week we desired some fun, so thus we decided to go down to Atlantic City.
Hamden-Philadelphia-Atlantic City-Cape May-Cape May Point-Hamden - 535 miles

Philadelphia's second best PhillyCheeseSteak place, it is the second one, because we were standing in the line at the best one:) That was about 70 ft long and it took about 30 seconds to get your phillysteak sandwich. I was a little bit disappointed about the food. That was not #1 place. The sandwich is pretty simple: one roll, some beef, two pieces of american cheese and who is the next one - shouting loudly??? Well, and it was $10. OK, i thought there was another counter where you could get some free stuff, such as ketchup (as I thought), mustard, dried chili and sour spicy apple paprika. So I poured a lot of ketchup and picked up 4 pieces of  paprika.  
 Avid Bence is suffering from the expensive sandwich that he made inedible. Great Bence! Congrats! I was crying because of the XXX hot sauce (was not KETCHUP at all) and paprika. OMG, that was terrible! I did not buy coke since I had water in my car. Aziz helped me out with his soda. Thanks Aziz.:)
Indeed, everybody else was enjoying his/her sandwich. It is so typical, when Bence wants to beat something he always has to learn the lesson:)
At Pat's Steaks #1 Philly Cheese Steak place 
Beautiful Philadelphia with great people 
Hungarians are everywhere:) 
Almost at the Rocky steps 
In front of the Museum of Arts... 
...where Rocky Balboa in the epic scene was running up on the 72 stairs of the Museum of Arts

Rocky had about the same size of shoes that I have:) 
Opposite angle with the same great friends! 
With the Champion! 
i love Philadelphia  
andddddd this is Atlantic City ladies and gentlemen...the Las Vegas of the East Coast
with the biggest casino, the Caesars in the background 
Donald Trump is also everywhere 
Atlantic City sunset 
After arriving to Atlantic City we went to buy some booze and food. Enjoying our well-desired time:)
Atlantic City
Chillin with Jing, Lisanne, and Aziz, Xiao took the picture and we were waiting for the other companion (Andras and other four Chinese friends)
OK, so here is the thing. We went into the biggest casino in Atlantic City, it is the Caesar's. I did not want to gamble, BUT i was walking around and saw a voucher about 15 cents, i took it and was wondering what if i lose these 15 cents? Nothing. So I put it into a slot machine and started to play. It takes about 15 seconds to learn the basics. It is enough to lose your entire budget if you are stupid, or can make some money if you are smart. 
So I turned a 15 cents voucher into 1$ and 33 cents in about 2 minutes.
Here is how much i love money.
It was time to reinvest and make more! It is simple physiology. Easy money makes you stupid, so it made me too.
But I won again!!!
Even happier Bence:) Finally without investing any cents of my money I closed the night with 54 cents pure profit! It is great, isn't? Everybody had a great time there, we enjoyed ourselves so much in Atlantic City.
Almost everybody
 Aziz took a picture of this ever-lasting moment (this is the proof that Andris was also with us, jumping in the middle)
 On Sunday we went down to Cape May Point that is the southernmost point of the Jersey Shore with a beautiful Light House.
I mostly watched the fishers, didnt care much about such a beautiful scene and weather. 
I had to go into the water. 
October 20th, 2012, Cape May, NJ - closing day for this season
Heading home! One thing I learnt during this trip is that I will never ever take George Washington bridge again! We were sitting in a huge traffic jam about three hours or so. I was so unabashed, aggressive but still took forever to get to the bridge. If we did not see at least 9 accidents in 5 miles, we had not seen any. It was my worst driving experience. Terrible, exhausting, stressful, hopeless, etc. It is very scary when you have to change lines and at the same time a 18 wheeler also has to change lines and it doesn't see you in its blind spot and you cannot move anywhere...and it is still coming and coming.... 
The happy driver who carried his crew home in safe. 

10 of us had a great time in Atlantic City and a great weekend:) Keep going guys! Only one half of this semester left. It is not much to get this job done:)

10.08 - 10.14 - St. Lawrence River and Montreal

On the last weekend just before the midterms we went to Canada to visit the 1000 Islands National Park, Ottava, Montreal and so many historical sites along the St. Lawrence river. We sat down with Andris and without knowing the midterm week and other papers due dates we set fix dates for different trips. For me it does not matter because I know what the deadlines are how my schedule looks like and I bring them together in any conditions so I always deliver on time. That is how worked on this weekend as well. I traveled all day long and studied late nights in the motels. I used to say with Andris that we never compromise we prioritize. Everybody said that is insane how we travel and the fact that we could not bring anyone with us to this trip is the perfect evidence that people stick to their opinion. They would never take part of this insane traveling kind. 
After work as usual we were heading to Ottawa on Friday. Here is our itinerary: - 1040 miles

Hamden (CT, USA) - The Thousand Islands International Bridge, The Thousand Islands International Bridge (Lansdowne, ON, Canada) - Rideau Canal National Historic Site of Canada (Merrickville, ON, Canada) - Fort Wellington National Historic Site (Prescott, ON, Canada) - Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site of Canada (Prescott, ON, Canada) - Ottawa (ON, Canada) - Coteau-du-Lac National Historic Site (QC, Canada) - Montréal (QC, Canada) - Lachine Canal National Historic Site National Historic Site (Lachine, QC, Canada) - Hamden (CT, USA)

Arriving to Ontario, Canada 
St. Lawrence River 
First porcupine I have seen in my life
Enjoying the view from a found chair 
Just the bad things... 
St. Lawrence River - 1000 Islands Nat.Park 
Balatoni kecskekormok 
Here is what the whole national is all about - 1000 islands with cool properties 
I want to have one #1 
National Park Official site 
Bence was amazed by the crystal clear water again 
Great picture of the sharp surface of the boardwalk... 
Visited Official site #1 
I simple love this figure - the cute beaver 
Official site #2 -  Merrickville Locks - Rideau Canal
Always working 
Some culture - 1000 people died during the construction in malaria (god bless this is not a 10,000 island national park...)
We have to discover... 

...yes, it says, don't go there, it is dangerous and forbidden...

You better off listen to it 
 O(∩_∩)O - learnt for Xiao (this is the first time i felt it would make sense)
Lunch at a Tim Hortons - 

 Official site #3
For those of us who have heard about Jessup but had no clue where it is originated from, of course from Connecticut! 
Don't ask how i climbed there 

@ Ottawa - Parliament of  Canada
I love this fountain, water and fire, genius!!!! 
Ottawa view 
 This bell was taken from the ruins of the clock tower destroyed by fire in 1916.
Some other education - dont listen to this: - 60 million people also didn't listen to it

It was a great monument. Very well made sculptures and I like the way how they set the whole thing up and display it to everyone. You can get the feeling of those times when women had to fight for their rights. I am glad they made it.  
Official Site #5 - Coteau-du-Lac
 We visited at night...
Full house in our motel:) 
... and at daylight

Don't worry, it was safe
They were pretty smart how they built-in the advantage of the water and composed with the strengths of the fort. Actually the food supply arrived from water in the safe of the fort. Genius!!
Official Site #5 (still:):)) 
Beautiful colors of the fall 
Official Site #6
Reka, here we come! 
Andris and Reka 
Reka and Bence 
We have taken a picture of us and the Hungarian butcher and grocery shop
We were trying to get into this famous foodplace, but we gave up waiting. 
So we ended up eating at a chicken place. Recommended by Reka 
OMG! This meal was amazing, tender chicken, fresh roll, creamy potatoes, and refreshing salad.
Thanks for the experience Reka. 
3 of us, great students from the Business Major of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium.
No matter how far we are from each other, we are still close. We were just less than two tanks away.
McGill - MCC axis 
Where Reka studies 
The illuminated crowd sculpture... with a sober Hungarian
We went up to the highest scenery point of Montreal 
The view was just breathtaking (yeah, you could not take a breath, it was that foggy:)
 We could have seen such a beautiful view. With the fog it was much better experience and fun:)
We had a great time together! I am so glad that we were able to meet, because we didn't have cell phone coverage and internet access. So we sent an email to Reka with a time and place that we could meet and hoped that she got it and will be able to make it. Then we were on time anddddd Reka also was there! You know what it added another great feeling to our meeting. You can be certain that your friends are as punctual as you are. You can count on a MCC mate any time in any circumstances!
Thanks Reka the sightseeing! Good luck with the McGill University!
Official Site #7
The fur trade house 
Heading home!
One more great week just passed by.