Monday, August 27, 2012

06.20 - 08.25 - Summer of 2012

I am back!
Hmm, I hoped that I will have more time but umm it is getting worse, so I decided not to postpone writing my spot

My summer was just fabulous. 
I spent 65 days in Hungary, and just 6 days at home.
I got the chance to meet with many of my friends during the summer, but still missed some of them. 
As I arrived I went home to Tarcal and the next day I traveled to Budapest to my graduation ceremony. 
WHAT?? Yes, I officially graduated from my college/dormitory/collegium on July 21st. We had a great party then:) I could write this sentence so many times but could not describe the time I had in Hungary with my friends and my family!
Why do I write center text? You know, that is a good question. Just because.:)
After the graduation I stayed at Budapest for like 3 weeks and spent the time setting up my hostel.
Wow, that was a crazy 10 days and another 11 days. Without my brother I could not even accomplish this task. Of course, we were on time according to my hostel schedule and opened the Mathias Hostel Budapest third times so far!!! It was a lot of work, but hey that was the thing I was missing in the US, the physical work. We assembled 34 new beds on one day with my bro and then restored 42 other used beds on another two days. We needed 160 beds on the peak time. It is crazy, isn't? I sold more bed than I had actually.:D:D:D

Everything went well! No problem! Sometimes the season was challenging, but I found great employees, so they made my life easy. My brother was the boss after the first two weeks and I just supervised him. I say thank you all of my friends, employees here again for the so much effort I got from them.
On July 13th I went to my first holiday in the summer. The destination was Chesky Krumlov, river Moldva for a great rafting tour with 13 of us. Wow! That was one of the best summer time I had at home.

Where have you been??? Here:D
Oh man, that was so much fun, i felt totally revitalized after it. 
And then the summer has been passed away so fast. I almost biked around the Lake Balaton (100 km-s) on one day, then actually biked around the Lake Velence. I went to fish at home, at my grandpa, at Szentendre.  I had a class reunion as well (5 years passed since we graduated from highschool!!!!). We went to party so many times, drank responsibly, had so much fun. I almost didn't have a free day when I could just hang around and do nothing. Every day I had some kind of program where I have been to. 
On July 25th I left my lovely country, my family and my friends again. I still don't like leave-taking (or saying goodbye), I just can't get used to it. One of my friend said to me, no one can. True!
But hey it is not the end of something just a beginning of another one, I'll be right back! The Christmas visit time will come very soon. See, it is almost Thanksgiving!
My way back went well and I was picked up at JFK, which was very pleasant. And so, I am back! I was shocked when I got to know that school started next Monday, one day after I arrived. Sh*t:)
I am still not prepared for this semester. But noticing that I have only one year left being a student makes me feel good!:) No more school soon, just two more semesters! What time this is compare to what I have already taken so far, 30 semesters..., nothing:):)
Supposedly I will regret this time. That is why I do not want to waste my time thinking about that sentence or the big LIFE! I want to spend every minute of it joyfully! 

Here are some pix without attempting to be comprehensive:

34 beds

Just opened recently

Watching the final game of the Football Euro Championship 2012

Restoring beds

Having fun in the Czech Republic 

Cutting down some trees with my bro

Above Budapest

Around the Lake Balaton

Being ridiculous

Just expanding our services with car smashing:)

Waiting to be penalized

With my family

Fishing with my grandpa and my bro

In the Lake Velence

To close up my summer spot, here is my favorite song for the summer of 2012:
Thanks for reading:)
(Just let me know if my English got worse...)